Chapter 9: Chiharu; Say That Again

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His day with Chiharu was going great! Not to mention she looked absolutely gorgeous in her outfit and with her hair all curled. He was used to seeing her in a school uniform or a volleyball uniform with her hair pulled back in a ponytail. She quietly sipped on her smoothie as they strolled through the park.

He had finished his before they had entered the park. She stayed close to him. "Who told you I liked orchids?" She cocked an eyebrow up at him. "You do?" He was stunned, he didn't know she liked orchids. She nodded, "I also like roses, but orchids are really unique."

Asahi rubbed the back of his head, "I just got lucky then, this was the only romantic park I knew of."

"I see," She nudged him, "Goofball." He blushed, "Am not." In a trash can the girl threw away her cup. They walked along the path. It was peppered with orchids of every color, along with a few other flowers. She quietly admired the gorgeous flowers. Asahi couldn't help but stare at her. Was it the air? Her adorable outfit? He wasn't sure, but God, she was gorgeous. Her hazel-green eyes danced as she admired the flowers, a small smile graced her soft-looking lips, the sun set's light danced on her skin...wait sunset! Crap!

"Hey Chiharu-chan!" He grabbed her hand, "I wanna show you something, come on!" "Huh?!" She squeaked, "Asa-senpai!" He tugged her behind him as he ran along the path. She laughed, "What are you doing?!"

Finally, they reached a hilltop. "What's over that hill?" Chiharu asked. He grinned, "You'll see, now come on!"

"Bet I can beat you up there!" She challenged and ran up the hill without warning. "H-Hey! Chiharu-chan! Get back here!" He clamored as he chased her up to the top of the hill. Who would've thought she could move that fast in a damn skirt! She even beat him to the top.

He huffed, leaning over trying to catch his breath once he reached her. "Tch," She teased him, "Slowpoke."

"Where do you get all that energy?!"

She giggled. He looked up at her, and stood up. She wasn't paying attention but instead she took a deep breath, taking in the cool breeze of dusk. The hilltop overlooked the city, and there was a perfect view of the sunset. "This is the best spot for a sunset view that I know of."

"It's the best one I've seen," She sighed. "Look!" She pointed, "I think I can even see Karasuno!" Asahi followed her finger, "Yeah you can! That's really cool!" The two of them gazed over the city, silent. The sky was a mix of light blue, yellow orange, and pink as the sun slowly sank behind the city. After what seemed like ages, she finally said something, "This is the most beautiful view I have ever had." Asahi's eyes slid to the girl beside him. "Yeah, it really is." She glanced up at him through her eyelashes again. Those eyes knew how to drive him crazy!

Her face started to turn red and she looked away from him. "Did I say something wrong?!" Asahi panicked. He didn't even think he said something so silly out loud! What was wrong with him? It was like words seemed to spill out of his mouth whenever he was with her. "No, No!" she looked down at the ground, fumbling with her hands, "It's just, no one has ever said that to me, you know called me beautiful." Asahi wondered why. She was hiding something, but he had an idea of what it was.

When they had first met, she had told him, "You know, Senpai, I had heard about you at my old school, and hearing about your games and how the Ace of Karasuno was so strong, it helped me get through my middle school years."

"What do you mean?" He had asked her. That's when her eyes had grown sad and she turned her back to him, "I was bullied by the same girls I played volleyball with."

No wonder she had such a tough demeanor, Asahi understood it now better than ever. He stopped thinking, and took her hand. Seeing her like this, it honestly broke his heart. "I don't know what those people said to you, but that's gone now, Chiharu."

She turned her back to him again, "I know, that's what nii-chan tells me, but it's just the memories are still there, and the wounds they left are still fresh." She was more like him than he thought she was. He remembered what it was like when he was defeated. "It'll take some time, but I'll be ok." She faced him and smiled, "Sorry, I must be boring you with my bab-"

"Don't say that!" He grabbed her shoulders, "You're not babbling! No one should keep stuff like that bottled up!" She stared at him, suddenly, her eyes started to well up with tears, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you mad, Asahi!"

He stared at her. What in the hell? Chiharu wasn't the type to get blubbery like him, was she? A tear ran down her cheek. Oh shit, oh shit! "Don't do that!" Asahi blundered, "I'm not mad, I'm not! Just stop crying already!" Her head shot up, "You're not mad at me?!"

He shook his head and wiped the tear from her cheek, "No, you little goof." This was breaking his heart, what had happened to her to cause her to harden herself like she did? Who could've done this to her? Why? He didn't understand it.

AsaChi: Beauty MarksOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora