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When I was just a mere toddler, my mother would tell me stories of our homeland. She called it Zephoria which in translation means, Land of Peace. She told me about the people there. They were all different and all belonged to a different species but never did that keep them from being kind to one another. Most of them were even friends. That was unheard of in other lands. Fairies, Ogres, Elves, Werewolves and other magical creatures kept to their own species everywhere besides Zephoria. That's what was so special about our homeland.

My favorite parts of her stories were the parts where she described the plants of Zephoria. They were magical, in every sense of the word. Flowers that bloomed with the sun rise and closed with the sun set, they even sparkled when sunlight hit their petals and glowed when touched by the moonlight. Trees that were as tall as the sky and bountiful with the most delicious fruits.

Sometimes her stories would sadden me. I loved Zephoria. It was my homeland. It was where my family came from and where I was meant to live. But never in my life have I been there. My heart yearned to be on my homeland but it could't. Zephoria wasn't safe anymore.

The Conflict started before my birth and it changed Zephoria. It's no longer filled with peace, hatred now lives there. No one was ready for The Conflict. Not even my own mother, who was one of the most powerful Fairies and was also a member of Zephorias High Council.

When The Conflict's leader, Zorin, threatened to destroy my Mother, Father, all the other Zephorians and Zephoria itself, they wanted to fight back. Knowing it would be useless due to not being prepared, their only option was to find a quick escape. Everyone from Zephoria was forced to flee to the closest possible land. That land was one they called, Earth. A place much like my homeland but where no magic existed. A place where, what we call "conflict" is known as war.

Initially, the Zephorian Gaurds planned for them to settle in America but the People of Zephoria came up with a new plan, they spread themselves all around the Earths globe. Which in turn, made them harder to find and kept Zorins' followers at bay.

Only certain species from Zephoria can blend in with Earths people. The land is full of humans, who are beings without magical powers. Most of us, like Fairies, live in the humans society because we resemble them. While others, like Ogres, must hide out in deserted places because they are what Mother called, "unique and somewhat unattractive."

An Earth year after my parents and the rest of Zephorias' people came to Earth, I was born. I was told many times by my Mother that it was a wonderful gathering. Many species that lived on Zephoria, before The Conflict, came to visit us. They came from all over Earth. Some from as far as China, Brazil, Europe and even Greece.

I never understood why my birth was important untill my Mother told me about my gifts and lineage. I'm a descendant of the Fairy Goddess of the Moons and the Fairy God of the Waters. Moon Fairy on my Mothers side and Water Fairy on my Fathers. They are both from families of great power. Great powers that, when combine, make something even greater than only one of them. I was told that once I was old enough, I would bring all the Zephorians together and lead the fight to save Zephoria, bringing peace back to our homeland. I was every Zephorians hope of one day returning home.

Six Earth years had passed since my birth and I could feel how scared my mother was becoming. Being her daughter and being a Moon Fairy, I could sense how she was feeling. Even if I was hundreds of miles away. That's one of the gifts our Fairy Moon Goddes gave us.

Another gift she gave us Moon Fairies, telecommunication.

I went to my bedroom so i could focus and I connected my thoughts with my mothers.

"Mommy, what's wrong? I can feel that you're scared."

"Nothing, Dear." She spoke to me.

"Promise?" I asked her.

When I was three Earth years old my mother and I had made a Fairy Daughter Vow, which is unbreakable. We vowed to never promise something to one another unless it's true and only if we plan on keeping it. If we broke our vow, we would be stripped of our powers.

She mentally sighed. "No, I can't promise. Come to the living room."

I broke the connection and went to meet her in the living room.

"Hennadrie, sit down." She motioned for me to take a seat on the couch, so I did.

"What I'm about to tell you is going to be hard to handle.." she said.

I looked at her and nodded, giving her the signal to continue.

"Zephorians are falling off the radar. I've gotten a few letters from others saying that they think The Conflict is giving the government information about us, hoping the government will plan on destroying us. But others are convinced that they want more from us, maybe our powers." She sat down beside me.

"So they're after us?" I asked.

She nodded. "I'm sorry, Dear. If we could just up and leave, we would but that would look suspicious and they may find us sooner. That puts running away out of the question."

"Then we'll stay here and fight!" I demanded.

She shook her head. "You haven't reached your full potential yet, Henna. You can't fight and your Father and I aren't powerful enough to stop an army."

My face fell. "What do we do then?"

"We wait and if they come, we try to protect you." she stated simply.

Someone wanted our powers and it took me all of three seconds to figure out why. When a land with no magic is brought magic so easily, the people of that land will do anything to obtain it. That was one thing the Zephorians didn't think about before coming here.

After my mother informed me about the disappearing Zephorians, many Earth months passed. During that time, my mother told me something important. Something I'll never forget.

She said, "If they come, run. Run as fast as you can until you reach safety. After that, you know what to do. Promise me right now that you'll run?"

I did know what to do, we had been preparing for months, but that didn't mean I wanted to do it. I knew that if I ran I would never see her, or my Father, ever again. I knew that if I stayed, I would die along side my parents and everything they had ever done would have been for nothing.

That day, I made the hardest promise a child of only six Earth years would ever have to make. It was a promise that would cause the death of the two people I loved most.

I looked at her with tears forming in my eyes and nodded. "Promise, Mommy."

They came the night I made that promise.

I was playing in my room when i heard them barge into the house, breaking down the front door in the process. I heard things breaking, people screaming and guns being fired. I was frozen in fear. I wanted to run so I could keep my promise but I couldn't move.

It was then that I felt my Mother connect to my thoughts and heard her voice in my head. "Run, Hennadrie! Run!"

With that, I ran out of my room, through the back? door and into the forest. I kept running, dodging trees and branches that were placed in the path that my feet took me. I ran with everything in me untill I just couldn't run anymore. I sat there in the forest, weeping, waiting for what i knew was about to come. Moments later, I felt my mothers pain as if it were my own. I clutched my chest where the pain radiated and a few seconds later, I felt her and the pain disappear from within me. She was gone.


Personally, I think this is one awesome Prolouge. Its sad, informative and exciting! I hope you all enjoyed it and are ready to see more :) VOTE, COMMENT or FAN! MuchLove, -LanieRach

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