Act 1. Chapter 1

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I didn't remember taking a nap until I was roused by the driver's raspy voice asking if I was going to pay cash or credit. Still disoriented, I looked outside the lightly-tinted windows and I could make out the familiar facade of my friend's house. I pulled out my wallet and momentarily paused when I realized I only have a few bills. "Do you have change for 250?"

The driver patted his jeans and opened compartments in search for loose coins though I already knew the search was in vain. Hey, it is not bad to hope for things, right? It just places you in that situation where you expect something and when it doesn't happen, you feel like shit. And yes, it does happen when you don't have smaller bills and you end up paying the driver extra cash. I would have normally rummaged for exact fare in my bag but I simply did not have the energy.

As soon as I stepped out of the sedan, I let out a yawn that my eyes teared up a bit before ringing the bell, my duffel bag slung over my shoulder. I was let in by the trusty guard who remembered my name despite the handful of times I dropped by Jude's family house. I was then endorsed to the smiley mayordoma who even asked if I already had dinner even though it was quarter to midnight.

If anything, I wanted a bed more than food or any alcoholic drink which I anticipated my friends would have been downing for a couple of hours now. But my bed would have to wait a little longer.

"This is unexpected," Chino, the first to see me as I entered the gaming room, was clearly surprised. "Look who's back from the dead!" He stood up, met me halfway. We shook hands and tapped each other's back.

Jude and DJ couldn't be disturbed as they were playing Call of Duty. So I went ahead, threw my bag on the floor and all but sagged on the couch.

"I win," DJ said, his eyes still focused on the 52-inch television before he nudged Jude's elbow with his own. He wasn't referring to the game they were playing. "You, my friend, owe me some moolah."

Jude hit the pause button and reached into his pocket before slapping some bills on DJ's hand. He then turned to me and offered a long and firm handshake. "Good to have you back, bro."

I already expected they'd make a bet if I'd show up or not as I didn't hang out with them as often as the three of them would. I was like the phantom fourth guy in the group. Not that I was complaining.

"Yeah. 'Sup?" I asked back after bumping fists with DJ.

"Same old, same old. Glad to know you managed to wedge us into your busy schedule." DJ offered me another fist bump knowing what a mess it was maintaining a huge client base in my parents' hometown.

"Yeah, glad to be here too," I mumbled. After that heated conversation with Isaac, I had become reluctant to come back—both to Ilocos Norte and to Pandora. To be honest, the prospect of moving to an entirely new place was very appealing. But of course, like what they say, we can not escape life. At one point, we all have to face the music. Maybe this was it for me. I was just not sure if I was prepared enough. That was why dropping by Jude's residence was a welcome detour.

"You look like shit man. Come on, what's your poison tonight? It's on me." Even without me answering, Jude went to the island bar.

I massaged my nose bridge not taking any offense in his words. I had been lacking sleep for several months because of thesis defense, finals, a part-time business that had surprisingly taken off and a business partner who, all of a sudden, wanted out The last one was the major source of my sleep deprivation. I couldn't even remember the last time I shaved or the last time I'd had the recommended 8-hours of uninterrupted sleep. "I need coffee if you want me to stay vertical."

"Ohhh...I think what he really means is: he needs to get some horizontal action! Four months is a long time!" DJ, wiggled his eyebrows knowingly and raised his palm towards Chino for a high five.

Jude laughed at the remark that I didn't understand. "Fine. I'll let it slide. "But next time, we aren't letting you off so easily. Go home and get laid man." He tapped me on my shoulder as he laid a six-pack on the center table.

I usually didn't mind being the laughing stock of the group. It was how I compensated for the drinking sessions I didn't grace. But I didn't get the joke this time. "Get what?"

He got a can, punched it open and offered it to me which contradicted his offer to let me go. "You should see your girlfriend."

"Hm. Interesting. I didn't know I had one," I said, accepting the beverage. Last time I checked, I was in second year college when I last had a girlfriend. Which was what? Two years ago.

"Then what's Yasmin to you? A friend with benefits?" Trust Jude to be blunt. Of course he'd bring that up without beating around the bush or at least waiting for me to bring it up myself.

"Fuck off." I took a huge pull from the can. I knew it was going to be a long night and despite agreeing that I badly needed rest, I knew they weren't going to let me get my much-deserved sleep easily. At least until they put one issue to light.

"What? It's a simple question. For the longest time we thought you're together. On or off the business."

"I thought you wanted me to take a rest? Why are you suddenly interested with my life?"

"You don't seem like you want to go home though," Chino grinned and he was right. When I took another hard swig and stayed put, they plowed on.

"So? Are you more than business partners? More than friends? Friends with benefits?"

"We're not," I bit out. That was true. Never was, never been...and probably, never would be.

"Pft. Like we'd buy that," DJ shook his head, popping chips into his mouth. "Even a blind man can tell you two are an odd-couple...but still a couple."

I snorted even though I didn't mean to. "Since when?" Yes, Yassie and I might have almost crossed the line. But business happened and then there's Isaac. I ground my jaw, feeling a kick in the chest, reminded of it all over again. "For all I know, she's already dating my cousin."

"Are you fuckin' serious bro? How the hell did your cousin get in the picture anyway?"

"It's a long story."

"Got all the time, my man."

I rested my head on the back of the sofa, my sleepiness dissipating, and gathered my thoughts. Maybe if I had been honest with myself and with Yasmin, I wouldn't be sulking right now. I wouldn't feel so fucked up just because the princess I stood by all this time had finally found her prince.

#romanceclass2016: Something To SayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora