The beginning

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It was dark, I could only feel the cold wind on my skin. I was standing in a forest, the moon light was stolen from the clouds of the sky. Every tree was either broken or burned into ash.

I wasn't scared nor was I alarmed over the destruction in my area.
I walked along a slight path appearing before my eyes, it seemed to be made from blood. As I walked along the path dead bodies were surrounding my area with a disgusting odor from their flesh as it looks to have been ripped apart by somthing inhumane or paranormal.

No human could have done such level of slaughter. I continued to walk along the blood bath of those who were slaughtered. I had my guard up as I was walking, a body fell from one of the trees. I went to catch it, but it turned into ash as it made contact with my skin. Who could have done such a thing?, after I asked myself that question, HE appeared, the black figure, no eyes, no mouth, no face.
What/who created him?, he had no legs, he just hovered above ground, he wore a kloked hood and his hands were made of bone, wrapped with vanes and arteries to bring them together.

He came closer to me, he reached his hand into my chest and disappeared.
I woke with a disturbed feeling, it wasn't fear, it was curiosity. I wanted to learn more about this creature within my head.

Thus started a new adventure that soon turns into a more disturbing trip than I originally thought.

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