Between the Right and the Real

Start from the beginning

I ran around them, accidentally bumping into one of the boys. I stopped momentarily and turned back.

“Sorry!” I huffed out before turning to continue my running. His hand shot out and gripped my arm. How many people were going to do that today?

“You stupid bitch! You almost pushed me in the middle!” His voice was gruff, but still had a smooth edge to it.

“Don’t call me a bitch because I accidentally ran into you! At least I had the courtesy to stop and apologize to you!” I yanked my arm from his grasp and turned around to leave again.

“You’re not going anywhere until you give me a proper apology.” This time he pulled me against himself and whispered in my ear. I swung my leg up and hit him between the legs.

“No thanks, I think I’ll go.” I walked away smoothly as he collapsed to the ground, groaning in obvious pain. I picked up my paced after I turned the corner, weaving through throngs of people as fast as I could. When my phone started playing an assigned ringtone I knew I was in trouble.

“Hey, I know I’m late, I’m sorry! Some asshole thought he’d take up my time and sexually harass me because I stopped to apologize for bumping into him. I’m on my way!”

“It’s okay, you’re not late stupid! I just wanted to tell you that I was going to be in Victoria’s Secret when you got here.” Charlie snickered at my rant.

“Okay well I’m almost there. I’ll be waiting outside. See you in a few minutes.”

“Alright! Oh, hey, I’m meeting a guy here too. He’ll be wearing a blue and black checkered jacket. You can wait with him outside the store.”


With that I hung up and continued my run to the mall. When I got there I went into the bathroom and used a wet paper towel to wipe off all the sweat I could before changing my shirt and running back out. I stopped by the food court and picked up two smoothies before making the walk to Victoria’s Secret. When I got there I almost dropped the smoothies in shock.

“Emmy! I just finished shopping, great timing!” Charlie waved me over when she noticed me.

“Strawberry Passion’s still your favorite right?” I gave her the smoothie and took a sip of my own Chocolate Banana smoothie.

“Hello again,” his smooth voice greeted me. I’d decided I was just going to ignore him.

“Again?” Charlie asked, confused.

“He’s the asshole who sexually harassed me.” I smiled sweetly at him and looped my arm through hers and started to walk towards Pac Sun. “So did you understand the assignment Mrs. Mack gave us?”

“Nope! I’m just as confused as you are my dear.”

“Hey don’t ignore me!” He grabbed my arm again and pulled Charlie and I back. “You could have gotten me hurt idiot!”

“Oh, I’m so sorry someone would have rearranged your face and made it look better.” My words dripped with sarcasm. “I stopped and apologized for accidentally bumping into you. What more do you want?”

He opened and closed his mouth a few times, trying to respond. “How about starting with not being a smartass.”

I scoffed loudly at him. Was that seriously the best he could come up with? “Nice come back lame—”

A flash of yellow caught my eye and I noticed Judge Jones standing in front of a store with a woman, staring right at me.

“What's wrong, cat got your tongue?” his tone was mocking.

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