I can’t believe my best friend is so powerful, I never thought she would be like that. I watched in awe of her as she took out Lisa, most people might find it a terrible thing to watch someone die in front of them but considering it was Lisa and what she said to Nikki I was not surprised at what happened. I couldn’t wait for Chris to get back I was surprised when I didn’t see my mom in the room I wasn’t sure where they were I hadn’t felt them in my mind yelling at me out anything. Part of me felt at ease but I was also concerned for them too, yea I know with everything they done to me I was still worried I know it’s stupid but I can’t help it. The minute I walked out I followed the scent of my mate and I saw him talking his dad they looked like they had a few scratches on them but nothing to serious. When he saw me I saw him tense for a minute and wandered what it was he looked like he wasn’t to happy to see me so I just turned and walked out the back door I didn’t want anyone to see me cry. It broke my heart I felt like he changed his mind about me, maybe he thought about everything. I don’t know what I am going to do I feel so broken. I sat down on the step and just started crying I wasn’t even paying attention to everything around me until I felt a warm hand touch me and then I felt the tingles up and down my spine I knew it was him but I just couldn’t stop crying. I heard him say “Misty, what is wrong why are you crying.”

I tensed up slightly at his words but they felt sincere I was just afraid that he changed his mind. I whispered “I am alright.”

He came down and picked me up bridal style and said “Mate, don’t lie to me.” He growled lowly at the end to show he was serious.

I trembled slightly at his words and thought about it for a minute before I answered, I mean could I tell him what I felt and ask the questions. I looked up at him and saw that his wolf had taken over his eyes weren’t there beautiful blue color they were darker and I was pulled in and without thinking I spoke and said “I thought you changed your mind about me.”

He growled slightly and said “I would never want anyone else but you, do you understand? You are my everything and I would do anything to protect you.”  

I just nodded and I just had to ask I felt something was off “Where are my parents I haven’t seen them.”  He tensed up again and his eyes softened I knew something had happened to them I felt the tears as they started to spill.

Chris said “Baby, please don’t cry but what I am going to tell you may upset you but I want you to know what it only happened because I wanted to protect you. You see I confronted your father in front of the Alpha about what happened to you and your father admitted everything. But he threaten me by telling me he was going to kill me so he could have you again before he killed you and I snapped and in the process your father is dead. Now your mother is in the prison cell that we have until the Alpha figures out what to do with her. She has been stripped of her ability to communicate with anyone so if you are trying to talk to them that is why, I am so sorry baby.”

I was crying I was so scared when he said that all of this happened in front of the Alpha now he knew what I had went through and I was scared how he would judge me too. I guess Chris could hear my conflict since I was so upset and he said “Don’t worry about what anyone thinks of you, I promise no one thinks negatively about you.”

I just nodded and said “Can I go home now.”

He said “You will be staying with me, I am not letting you out of my sight. We can go get your things but after everything today I just want to be with you and hold you, okay.”

I said “A-are y-you s-sure?”

He smiled and said “Oh my beautiful mate I am more than positive I want you.” And with that we went back over to Nikki’s parents house and collected my things and got back to the pack house and to his room.

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