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savannah's pov

it was lunch time and i walked towards my usual table. i saw bella, chloe, and andrea.

"hey guys how was your summer?" i ask them while sitting down and taking a bite of my pizza.

"mine was super awesome most of the time i was partying all night and then going to the beach in the day" andrea said all in one breath.

"mine was ok i guess i was in netflix most of the time" chloe said. "how was yours?" chloe asks.

"it was fine" i say. "mhhm just fine? i bet you had some wild nights didn't you?" andrea said.

"yeah i guess i did" i said laughing.

"hey girls" johnson says.

"hey johnson" we all say in unison.

"why aren't you sitting with gilinsky?" i ask johnson. right when i asked johnson the question, sammy and nate sat down at our table. i gave johnson a confused look.

"well we were sitting with him until he started sucking madison's face off" johnson told me. i looked over at their table and saw them sucking each other's faces off like johnson says.

"oh" is all i manage to say.

"so what are you guys planning on doing after school? i was planning on going home and chill if you guys want" i say to the girls.

"that sounds like a good idea" sammy says. "i wasn't asking you" i say. "i don't care i'm still going" he says.

"hey guys" i hear a familiar voice say. i turn around and see gilinsky with his arm wrapped around madison's waist.

"hey" we all say.

"you know you really should't eat pizza its going to make you even more fat than you already are" madison says.

"excuse me its not called being fat its called having curves something you will never have" i say to madison.

then i turn to jack and look at him in the eyes "and jack please tell your five year old girlfriend to get out of my face because her ugliness is making me blind" i say.

"burn" sammy, nate, and johnson yell at the top of their lungs. "oh shit" bella, chloe, and andrea say.

"jack, say something to her" madison screeches. but he just stood there watching us laugh.

then madison stormed off through the cafeteria doors. right when she left jack started laughing. hard.

"that wa-a-as so fu-unny" jack said between laughs.

"dude i dont know why you put up with her" johnson said to gilinsky.

"honestly dude i don't know either" jack said calming down.

school was finally over for the day and i started walking out through the school doors.

i needed to get home fast because bella, chloe, andrea, and the boys were going to my house to chill.

i started walking towards my car and i couldn't believe what i saw.



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