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Sirius will humbly admit he's the most popular kid in school. That's because the arts are the most funded and praised extracurriculars at HHS, and Sirius excels in all things performing arts. So, while the losing-streak sport teams grumble in a corner of shame, everyone else flocks Sirius like he's a celebrity.

"Hey, Sirius, when's the next play?"

"There's a rumor going around you're quitting dance team. Is that true?"

"Band is really suffering without you. Any chance you plan on joining again?"

"What genre is this years play?"

All of these plus some (including girls poorly hitting on him) are thrown at him as he struts down the hall. This is all typical for Sirius, so he answers questions he feels need to be addressed.

"Peter, as always, is in charge of casting, writing, and directing the plays. I won't know until he releases that information, so bug him about it. I'm still the baddest bitch on dance team. I won't be returning to band until they meet my demands. And, as always, I am gay, so ladies, stop breaking your own hearts."

James butts his way into the group. "My client won't be taking anymore questions!"

Sirius laughs and flings an arm over his friend's shoulder. "Hello, my third favorite Hetero."

"Third? I'm hurt."

"What? Lily's my main bitch, and Peter is second because he understands my artistic demands."

"You're the biggest brat I know."

"Also the best actor you know."

"Speaking of Lily, where is she?" James glances around the circle of admirers.

"She's in the art studio."

"Why are all my friends super talented?"

"Because we're better than you? I thought that was self explanatory."

Peter breaks into the group. "Guys! Theatre meeting during break today!"

"Competition piece finished?"

"Duh. There's going to be an announc-"

"Peter! What's the genre?"

"Peter! Is Sirius going to be lead again?"

He ignores everyone. "How do you handle all of these people?"

"It's the pop star in me," Sirius replies with a hair flip.


The auditorium is packed students by the time break rolls around. Peter stands center stage with a headset on.

"I'd like to thank everyone for showing up on such short notice. That being said, I have a few things to discuss with you guys. First of all, this year's competition piece is finished! It's called Gender Roles. There will be two leads: a male and female. Four supporting actors slash actresses and a handful of walk-ons and minor roles will be needed as well. All gender-specified roles are open to modification if you prove yourself. Auditions will be in a week, so come prepared with two monologues: a comedy and tragedy.

"Now for some background information. The two leads are transported back in time to the 70s and are forced to live out a week in strict accordance to the culture of that time. They go through loads of trials as they're forced to conform to a straight culture. Leads must be comfortable cross-dressing and portraying gay characters.

"Techs will be a large part in this production. We'll need at least fifteen people for costume adjustments, props, and scene changes. Tech try outs will be Saturday at twelve with James Potter. And before any of you newbies start rioting because I've already picked a stage manager, know that stage managers are picked every four years. You become a mentor senior year and take on a tech to carry on the tradition. You're allowed to quit at anytime and train a new one, but that never happens.

"Finally, drama club. We only take 200 members each year. The first to qualify must do the following: the fifty dollar dues must be paid in full, you must have a part in the competition play, and you must have at least a B in all of your classes. The rest of the slots are filled by individuals with previous experience in theatre. We do acknowledge that some people haven't had a chance to or are just wanting to pursue theatre. So, just simply write a paragraph or two on why you want to join and turn it in with your application, which can be picked up and dropped off at Flitwick's room."

"This whole system seems rigged," a freshman whispers to another.

Sirius turns to them. "Then leave if you're not willing to dedicate yourself. Do you know how many national awards we've won? We didn't win them with a half-assed crew."

The small kid turns red and shuts up.


Sirius flings an arm around Peter's shoulder. "You've finally written a non-straight romance. At least I assume there's going to be some fag on fag action."

"I've gotten more diverse with my writing, yes. I'm just tired of seeing the same types of plays at competition. Hopefully this will be refreshing."

"I'm heartbroken you didn't put at least one song in there." Lily pouts. "This will be the first year I don't get a Best Composer award."

"Meanwhile I'll be getting best lead actor," Sirius declares. "As always."

"No wonder the other schools hate you guys," James retorts. "You guys are so stuck on yourselves."

"Don't you always get best tech?"

"Yeah, but I don't rub it in everyone's face."

"I wouldn't put my trophies near anyone's unworthy little face."

"You're a fucking diva."

"That's what happens when you're good at something. Anyway, I've decided what to base this year's audition drinking game on."

"Yeah? Nothing can beat last year's Take A Shot For Every Actor Who Adds An Unneeded Dramatic Pause," Lily replies.

"I liked the one for Sophomore year spring musical." Peter giggles. "Every time someone's voice cracks."

"I don't know," James adds. "Last year's spring production was pretty good. A shot for every whisper-sing."

Sirius clears his throat. "I have a better one for sure. Take a shot for everyone who does a piece from Wicked."

James whistles. "We're going to have alcohol poisoning by the end of this."

Curtain Call  { Wolfstar }Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora