chapter 2

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Naruto was loving every minute of this. Here he was standing in front of the miniature advenger, who was glaring at him. Naruto stared down at the onyx eyes beautiful as ever, as he remembered. The eyes of a thirsty uchiha, he knew those eyes well, but as usual he was enjoying the angry vibe coming from the uchiha.

"I hate you." Sasuke said

Naruto smiled, "That's okay!"

After that week of the forcing to live with him, sasuke resorted to ignore his sensei, basically he was being petty!


Naruto didn't know what to do with his pupils, all the team was given were D-ranked missions, and the last one they did he was badly scratched by a fat lady's cat.

It wasn't the first time that happened. "Naruto-sensei?" Sakura said naruto attention was towards Sakura

"Where are you taking us today? I hope its not another mission." Sakura said while signing

"You'll see." Naruto smiled sasuke just glared as rolled his eyes

It wasn't easy getting anywhere with sasuke, he needed a stronger opponent. He needed...

Flashback over

Sasuke's not very happy with NY decisions. "Sasuke-kun." He looked up and the uchiha was pulled from his thoughts.

"I went and got details for your transfer. To be your official guardian, your official family!" Naruto smiled

"You didn't even give me a chance to agree to this. Either way your living habits suck!" Sasuke growled

"You can always help me with my living habits." Naruto said

Sasuke for some reason blushed at what naruto said. Last thing sasuke needed was to be played by a fool, but he couldn't stop the blood from rushing to his cheeks. He hated how the blind acted towards him, and looked at him.

With a growl, sasuke looked away.

"How did you know him?" Sasuke said

Naruto questioned sasuke question. "You sure you want to know?"

Sasuke glared at his sensei

"Yeah." Sasuke stared at his sensei while he watches him eat. "Don't play with your food dumbass!" Sasuke said

Naruto his food down and wiped his mouth. "Your just like him sasuke-kun." Naruto smiled

"That's not the question I wanted to here. Tell what you know about itachi!" Sasuke glared

"My house my rules." Naruto smirked

"Fuck your rules, answer the question!" Sasuke said

Naruto features went from playful to serious mode. He took a Long breath, he wanted to say some words but he couldn't.

"Maybe.... Some other time, sasuke." Naruto said while standing up

"You said you'd tell!" Sasuke yelled

Naruto halted and tune around to face sasuke with a glare. "Not tonight!" Naruto said while walking away

Sasuke was furious

The next few days sasuke remain ignoring naruto, he was still mad that naruto couldn't keep his promise about itachi.

Naruto signed, watching his student on a tree, he was taking his anger out on the tree. (Poor tree #treesmatter). Naruto felt mad that he couldn't tell sasuke the truth,

The guilt was getting to him. How could he tell him the truth, how could he tell that uzumaki naruto was itachi's lover.

Sasuke walked down the hallway to his bedroom, it was three in the morning and the little uchiha had to use the bathroom, naruto was already gone on his mission or whatever he dose at three in the morning.

When sasuke reached the bathroom, I guess he didn't here anything because once he walked in, there stood naruto with a towl rapped around his waist while water dripping from his hair.

It then that sasuke notice that he was in front of naruto, not only was he looking at his body he was.. How should I put this, surprised at the size if his... It wasn't small nor little. It was the opposite.

Sasuke was so embarrassed he fell on his butt, with his mouth gaped at his sensei. Sasuke sww something that'll provably kill him, naruto getting excited, it scared sasuke, he was kinda getting excited to.

But, there could be no way

Uchiha's aren't gay!

Sasuke then fainted. Naruto went near sasuke and lightly kicked his head. Sasuke bolted up and headed back to his room, while of course blushing.

Still boring.

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