A Flash to the Past Part 1

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Chapter One
A Flash to the Past Part 1

17 Years Ago
You can do it baby!" Derek shouted towards his wife as she was giving birth to their very first child.
I heard screams and cries from a new born child, as it took in its new life.
The doctors and nurses rushed around the room, taking notes about the new baby. They measured it's weight, length, made sure it was breathing properly and that everything was going right for the child.
When they were done, they handed the new born wrapped in a pink blanket to Jessica, who was lying in the cheap hospital bed with the cheaper white and blue blankets. She was worn out and tired from all the work she was put into to give this child it's new life. But either way she smiled her beautiful smile, wiped the sweat off her forehead and accepted her new child.
"It's a baby girl!" The doctor exclaimed." Congratulations." Her dark brown hair was turning grey in its ponytail . While her blue eyes stayed bright, but tired from the 10 hour shift she just worked. Her scrubs were dirty but she looked like she enjoyed her job.
Derek and Jessica admired their new baby girl in her arms. It had Jessica's bright blue eyes and Derek's light blond hair. The baby had a smile on its face, as it took in her new parents.
"Hey Derek." Jessica said.
"Ya babe."
"Let's call her Riley Rapunzel Beckerson." She said with a proud smile looking down at her child.
" I love it!" Derek whispered and kissed his wife's forehead.
Derek looked at me and smiled. Derek was my big brother. I looked up to him in so many ways. We are best friends. I was his best man at his wedding and he'll be for mine in the future. We are so much closer than brothers, and because of that, he let me come to the birth of his first born child. He said I'll be the godfather.
"Alec, do you wanna hold your new niece?" He asked proudly. I'm 17 and I guess that's pretty young to be a godfather and a best man, but I don't care.
I nodded and he hand me his daughter softly.
She was small for a new born but man was she heavy. She felt at least 9 pounds!
Riley looked up at me and smiled, showing me her toothless smile. I smiled back and rocked her, making sure to hold her head and not rock to hard.
"Hey Riley." I said softly. "I'm your new uncle, but I'll protect you like a brother, and make sure nobody hurts you." I promised. I held my thick sausagey finger towards her, and she took it with her hand. A sealed deal.
I smiled at my cute baby niece, and handed her back to Derek.

Jessica fell asleep a few hours ago, and Derek was rocking Riley trying to making her sleep as well. When he was satisfied, and she was asleep, he sat down in one of the chairs. Riley sleeping in his arms.
Jessica had dark brown hair that was thick and long. She had the brightest blue eyes you could ever imagine. She was tall and skinny but not too skinny before she got pregnant. Jess had an amazing personality, she was funny and would crack jokes all the time. She always had a smile on her face, which made it contagious so everyone around her was smiling too. Jess was weird and quirky but never cocky. Jessica was beautiful and Derek knew that. He also knew how lucky he was to have her.
Derek was tall. Around 6'5 maybe. He was muscular with a 6 pack and huge biceps. He was strong and never failed to beat me in arm wrestling. He was smart, and sometimes he was cocky about his strength in sports or his body and strength in general. If you didn't know him, you'd think he was a senseless jerk. He was before he met Jessica in grade 11. He was the school player and slept with every girl. Then he met Jessica and he just.... Changed. I think it was the moment he layed his eyes on her that he realized he didn't need those other girls. All he needed was Jessica and that's what he went for. It started out with them hanging out, and I don't think Jessica liked him very much, and just hung out with him over pity. I guess that changed after awhile and they fell in love. They started texting and next thing you know they started dating after 6months. They dated until the summer after they graduated when he proposed to her. They were going to the same college anyway, so they got an apartment together and went to college together. They got married after 2 years in college. 3 years later, Jessica is a vet and Derek's the owner of 10 law firms across the country. Both happier than pigs in mud. Jess got pregnant after a couple of months and here we are now. May 17. The happy Riley day.

I must've fallen asleep in one of the uncomfortable green hospital chairs because I'm being shaken like a milkshake.
"Alec! Get up you dumbass!" Derek whisper yelled into my ear. I tried slapping him away but my hand only collided with air.
"Watch it you shit head. I have a baby in my hands!" He laughed. I opened my eyes slightly to see him looking down at me with Riley in his arms. Riley was sleeping and cuddled up to her dad. Well this kid is going to have a fun child hood. I thought to myself.
"What do you want you dick?" I smiled. We always joke around like this. It's gets worse as we get older but we don't mind it 'cause it's how we bond with each other. We have gotten many scoldings from our Mom about our language towards each other but it hasn't stopped us.
"Mom's here to bring you home. I'll come with. She wants to see Riley." He explained. Derek started walking toward the door across the room and looked back at me.
"Get up off your ass and let's go!" He shot at me.
"I'm coming you jackass. Don't need to yell now." I joked.
We made our way through the halls, passed different people. There were some in wheelchairs and others that weren't. Some had masks over their mouths and other didn't. We passed by nurses and doctors in their white lab coats and blue scrubs. One doctor stopped us. He was at least in his mid forties, and had grey hairs appearing. He had a grey brown moustache matching his main, and thick brown eyebrows. He had green eyes, and was shorter than my brother and I. 
"Sir, your new born child should not be out here. It might catch something." He informed.
"Well I'm in a hospital, so I don't see the problem." Derek smirked at the doctor. His name tag said Dr. George Burns. Dr. Burns scowled at my brother.
"I'm terribly sorry about my brother. He has attitude problems." I told him. Dr. Burns nodded and walked away.
I turned to Derek and gave him my best stink eye trying to say Really? He caught on and just shrugged as he continued walking towards the waiting room.
Our Mom hasn't really been to hospitals besides to have us two or to get us casts or x-rays whenever we broke one of our bones or got a blow to the head. They didn't happen much. But they didn't happen enough to make her know where to go in this maze of a building.
We saw her sitting in one of the ugly green chairs reading a magazine that was a couple weeks late. She looked up and when she did, she smiled and excitedly pranced to us. She held her hands out and Derek gave her Riley cautiously.
"Oh don't be so cautious." She said. "I had you two didn't I?" She laughed. Her light grey hair fell to her shoulders and her brown eyes brightened as she examined her new granddaughter.
"Ya, and you dropped me like six times!" I exclaimed.
"So that's why you're so stupid!" Derek laughed. I punched his arm and he just laughed harder.
"Boys shut up!" Our mother scolded. "Derek you're daughter is beautiful!" She gasped. "What's her name?"
"Riley Rapunzel Beckerson." He answered proudly with his 100 dollar smile.
"That's a wonderful name dear!" She smiled and went back to watching Riley, who was now awake and cooing.
She handed Riley back to Derek and looked back at me. She gave Derek a hug, kissed his cheek, and told her to say hi to Jessica for her. Derek said his goodbyes before turning around back to his wife's room.
Mom turned to me and nodded towards the exit and we left.

Hey guys so this is my new book that I'll probably be spending the most time on. It's supposed to be a spin off of Rapunzel or Tangled. Tangled is my favourite Disney movie!!!!
Anyway tell me what you think so far! Don't forget to vote and comment!! All comments are welcome but I put the line when it comes to rude comments that are unnecessary.
Anyway vote and comment and don't forget to be nice to one another!! First person who figures out where I got that from gets a shout out and a dedication on my next chapter

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