Toby and His Father

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"Hello Toby." His dad said.

"Hey dad." Toby said.

"Okay I'm just gonna cut to the chase I want to say i'm sorry for how I treated you and Spencer these couple of weeks instead of trying to get to leave Spencer I should've been there for you incase you needed something and I'm sorry for that Toby I'm sorry." He said.

"Dad.." Toby said.

"Also I'm mostly sorry that I didn't tell you about Yvonne being your half-sister." He said.

"Is that all?" He asked

"I am really sorry Toby you are so happy with Spencer and I shouldn't try to ruin that I should be happy for you and let you live your life without me trying to interfere with it you are happy and I shouldn't try to take that away from you." He said.

"I want to believe you dad I really do but I just don't know if I can trust you to keep your word and not interfere anymore." Toby said.

"What can I do to prove to you that I mean this?" He asked.

"I don't know dad invite Spencer and I over for dinner sometime something small at first if you do that maybe I'll trust you more." Toby said.

"If I do that will you trust me more?" He asked.

"I said maybe it's not a promise that I'll trust you right off the back it may takes years for us to be close again." Toby said.

"Can I ask you something?" His dad asked.

"Sure." he said.

"How much do you love her?" he asked.

"I love her so much like whenever I'm around her I get butterflies in my stomach she makes everything stop for me whenever she is around me time just stops she is an angel dad sometimes I don't even understand how I got so lucky to have her in my life." Toby said.

"I mean I lost her twice already if I lose her again I seriously don't know what I would do." Toby finished.

"I see." His dad said.

"Nothing I would do well tear you two apart." His dad said also.

"No nothing you do will tear me away from Spencer she is my soul-mate I can't live without her." Toby said.

"I get it now." His dad said.

"What do you mean?" Toby asked.

"I can't stop you from being Spencer so I'm gonna back off." his dad said.

"Are you serious?" Toby said.

"Yes and Toby Jenna is gonna be here soon so you should probably leave before she gets here just because I've came around doesn't mean she has."His dad.

"Okay bye dad." Toby said as he got up.

"Bye see you soon." He said.

With that Toby left and went to work he couldn't believe what just happened his dad actually said he would leave them alone so that he could be happy. He was so happy that he finally realized that but part of him didn't believe him completely some part of him thinks that he is up something but time will only tell. 

Authors note: So everything seems okay with Toby and his dad but do you really believe that his dad is gonna back off or do you think that he is up to something. Also even though it will be a couple more weeks before they find out what they are having what do you think Spencer and Toby are having boy or girl?  

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