I'm afraid

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Everyone has Fears

mine is not telling you I like you before you leave

I wish we were closer in age

I wish I could tell you everything

but I'm afraid

afraid that you will never like me back

that no one will every like me back

and I know that I have never had a boyfriend

but have you ever had that feeling where you just feel like you need someone

like you need someone to hug you until you feel better

or you need someone to talk to at 2:00 am

but not someone like your family

someone who makes you feel happy

I don't think that is ever going to happen to me 

I don't think I'll find someone 

I'm afraid that you will find someone else or you may have already found someone

I'm afraid that my family will not let me date you

but what I am most afraid of is falling in love with you 

but I guess I have already done that

From: Me To: You  Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt