The faveorite

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Kendall's prov
I woke up knowing I'm in this dump I looked over to Maddie and Kalani and Maddie hair had pink high lights in her hair Kalani had some of her hair gone
Kendall:Kalani Maddie
They woke up and felt there hair
Maddie:pink high lights
Kalani:my hair is short
They screamed mine was perfect I saw a note on my pilow
You my favourite so I won't hurt you
Love C P
I showed them the note and we looked at each other an we ran out the door and into everyone's rooms they either had high lights are it cut it was awful
Voice:good morning I see you have noticed your hair
Hayes:yeah we have wiredo
Voice:please do you chorus partners
Nash Ricky
Hayes Brynn
Kalani Nia
Maddie Mackenzie 
I looked at the speaker and shouted
Voice:Kendall I was waiting for you too ask make decorations for a party
Voice:for your birthday now go
I looked at them
Kalani:when's your birthday
Kendall:tomorrow I'm in here on my birthday yay not
Maddie:it's okay KK
Voice:please do your chores
We smiled and walked off
I walked into the room and started I was so bored then 3 hours later I was done
Voice:well done Kendall you are done you may leave
Kendall:thanks C and P
I walked out and sat on the couch and waited for ages then i fell asleep on the couch

I woke up the next morning in my bed wow you fall asleep on the couch and you wake up in your bed wow I saw Maddie and Kalani asleep there was a knock on my door so I answered it Hayes
Hayes:happy birthday KK
Kendall:aww thanks Hayes
We hugged
Voice:please wake up please wake up
We all walked out still in our pyjamas
Voice:happy birthday Kendall
Voice:you can all have a test today
We smiled and walked back into our rooms then the doors shut we sat on the bed
Kalani:happy birthday KK I feel bad that you have to spend your birthday in here
Maddie:I know me too
Kendall:yeah I know just Have to be happy
We all smiled there was a knock on the door
Kendall:I'll get it
I walked out and it was the front door wow I answered it and saw 2 people in black I couldn't see there faces
Kendall:hiya I'm Kendall
They looked at each other a nodded one of them grabbed me and put a needle in my arm and I started drifting asleep then it went black

What do you think happened

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