Chapter 1: Asahi; Peek

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Asahi stared out the classroom window. The sun was shining, and he saw a few birds fly across the clear blue sky. He wasn't focusing on the birds though. He kept thinking about her. Hinata Chiharu, the younger twin sister of that first-year middle blocker Shoyo.
Her hyper voice echoed in his head, "You're back as the ace?! That's amazing!" a smile made his way across his mouth. And Diachi thought he was a goofball. The first year girl was so much like her brother, but she had a better feel for the game of volleyball. Asahi had never seen her play, he wanted to though. He was going off from what Sugawara, Shoyo, and his classmate Michimiya had told him.
"Asahi!" the teacher's voice snapped him out of his daze. "Eh?!" the tall boy's face began to flush. The teacher stared at him blankly, "Please read page 300."
"Uh, yeah," Asahi stood, and began to read the page in class.

Once the bell rang, Asahi grabbed his bag and made his way to the gym for volleyball practice. His mind went back to Chiharu again. Her smile, those pretty hazel-green eyes she had, her dark orange hair, everything. What was he thinking?! She's only a first year! And the sister of one of his teammates!
The brown-haired boy shook his head. "One more!" Chiharu's voice echoed from the girl's gym. How did he get here? He looked through the open window. There were only a few girls in the gym. The girls' captain, Michimiya tossed a volleyball to a shorter black-haired girl. Asahi had known her forever, she was Sugawara's younger sister, Katsuki.
Like her brother, she was an amazing setter. Asahi watched as the ball sored through the air, it gently touched the tips of Katsuki's long fingers. "Meow!" She chirped. That had been a habit of the cat-loving girl ever since she was little. The ball picked up speed, bouncing back up into the air. Then, there she was.
Chiharu's form was perfect, her right arm pulled back like a spring as she floated in the air, beads of sweat dripped off her brow. Her gorgeous eyes were focused and narrow, almost intimidating, but instead of shuddering in fear, Asahi felt his big heart start to pound in his chest. With a lightning fast swing, she hit the volleyball, it plummeted so fast to the ground, that Asahi lost track of it.
Chiharu's practice shirt seemed to float up as gravity pulled her back down to the court. Wait, was that-an adorable beauty mark just below her ribcage. Her feet touched the ground and slowly, her shirt floated down, covering her. I wonder if she has any other beauty marks?
"Nice kill!" Katsuki held her hands up for a double handed high five. "That was an amazing toss!" Chiharu gave her friend the high fives she was asking for. With her back to him, Asahi noticed how her volleyball shorts seemed to hug her rear. Was it strange that he found it sexy? Chiharu looked over her shoulder at him. He froze. Oh crap! I got caught!
Her eyes lit up and she gave him a big smile and waved, "Hi Asa-senpai!" Asa-senpai, the nickname she had given him. He liked it, the way she lit up when she'd say his name made him feel good inside. He nervously waved back, "Hi Chiharu-chan." Her cheeks flushed pink. For some reason she always blushed when he called her that. Now that she was on the ground, he could see her shirt was a little bit loose around her torso, probably why it had floated up earlier. For the first time, Asahi noticed there were scars on her knees, and another on her right wrist. A childhood accident maybe? His heart began to pound again as he found himself wondering if there were any other scars or beauty marks hiding beneath her practice uniform.
"Yo!" a voice from behind him made him jump. He spun, afraid there was an angry Diachi behind him. "What do you think you're doing Asahi-san?" Nishinoya glared up at him. "Not skipping practice are you?"

"No o-of course not!" Asahi threw his hands up and shook his head. "Then what are you doing?" the second year cocked an eyebrow, "Are you wanting to practice with the girls?"
"No! You got it all wrong!"
Nishynoya rolled his eyes, "Well whatever, just hurry up and get your ass to practice, you big wimp!" He spun on his heel, starting to walk off. "Hey! W-Wait up!" Asahi stammered, not wanting to get left behind. He looked over his shoulder for one last look at her. She giggled and shook her head at him. Her lips mouthed the word "Goofball." The third-year grinned shyly. He was wishing he could see that spike again, and maybe get another peek at that beauty mark. He gave her one last wave before sprinting up to his teammate.
He caught up with Nishinoya. The shorter boy looked up at Asahi. "Hinata's little sister is pretty cute, isn't she?"
Asahi felt his face turn red, "S-sh-shut up!"

AsaChi: Beauty MarksWhere stories live. Discover now