Chapter Twenty-Three

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Ezra's POV

We were close, so close. Elliot would be safe and sound in no time, all we had to do was get to him. We knew where he was – well, were he most likely was – and we were almost there, almost to my brother. We were going to save him. We were going to get him back. He just had to wait a little bit longer.

We had landed on the planet, and we were on our way to the house that the man had bought. For some reason, it all seemed a little too easy, but what else could we do other than be extra cautious? It's not like we couldn't at least look there in hopes of finding Elliot. What sort of brother would I be if I didn't at least try? Probably even worse than the sort of brother who forgets he is one.

Upon approaching the house, it appeared vacant. If not for the ship that was parked none-too-discreetly in front of the building, I wouldn't have thought that anyone had been there in years. How could we be sure it wasn't some sort of trick? I guess the best answer would have been that we couldn't be.

The careless way that the ship had been laid out in the open and the way the house seemed almost too quiet made me believe that they were almost expecting us.

I warned Kanan of this, as he was closest to me at the time, and advised that I be let in alone. It seemed only right, they were probably expecting me. His blatant refusal was a bit of a shock, but his excuse of "you could be over-powered by those goons" was enough to persuade me to allow one person to accompany me inside. Of course, it was Kanan.

And so it was settled that Kanan and I would go in and the others would remain hidden until need be. Kanan was in charge of signals, seeing as I'd probably forget to use them, and the recon mission began.

'We're here, Elly. I'm going to get you out of there, and there isn't a person in this world or any other that can stop me.'


Elliot's POV

The unfamiliar room was strange to say the least. It was dusty and smelled of rot and mildew. To describe it in one word: Disgusting.

I felt the carpeted floor beneath my feet, and though I could not see it in the blinding darkness, I could tell that it was grimy, just as the rest of the room it resided within. The dirty feeling of it between my toes was unpleasant, but I dare not move for fear I would run into something in the darkness, or maybe even someone. 

Despite the fact that I knew there was no one else in the room with me, being unable to see my surroundings simply made me uneasy and therefore fooled my brain into believing that someone else was hiding within the cloak of shadow, waiting to ambush me the moment I least expected their presence. What a disturbing thought that was.

Something skittered over my bare foot, and I emitted a high squeak. I decided that moving at that point might be a good idea, if only so that I could find a wall to lean against and get my bearings. As much as I could in total darkness, anyway.

Even after being trapped in the room for several minutes, my eyes still could not adjust to the blackness surrounding me. There was not a single speck of light to be seen, not even a smidgen coming from beneath the door. Maybe Killian had put something under the door to keep out the light's comforting presence because he knew it unsettled me. The man could find so many ways to torture a person that they were doomed from the moment he set eyes on them. I'd been doomed for years, I just hadn't known it until about a week ago. Or had it been a month?  Two months? I couldn't tell. I had no concept of time when I was so often stuck in the dark. I'd never take light for granted again.

With my back pressed against what I assumed to be the door, I was able to pick up on the commotion that arose outside of my own shaded world. There were voices, several of which I recognized. One was Killian's, I'd remember the voice of my tormenter anywhere. But the other, that one sounded like...


My brother had finally come.

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