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Author's note: (like tf, Shirai. why start a fic with this) So, I won't be uploading any one-shot after this! The idea for FANBOY randomly popped so I wanted to do this justice. Won't be uploading new Lenku one-shots after this, but will finish the three-shot romance [WINTER] after I finish Classic Tale of You and Me (will end by 21st chapter/update). I have to enjoy the rest of my term break and quit staying up late at night. Uni will resume by august//
Reviews are welcome!

Warning: This work contains colloquial and vulgar words.

Disclaimer: I don't own any vocaloid characters used in this story (any of my stories), save the idea(s) and plot(s).

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["Hatsune Miku transferring to Weyburn High? I am more than excited! I hope to see this gorgeous writer 'round my school! - fanboy#1]

"For, and, nor, but, or, yet -- "

"No, no, no. Not the conjunctions." Meito sighed as he brushed his forelocks away from his eyes. He wouldn't get a good view of this smart-ass-slash-star-player of the basketball team. Why was he so technical, anyway? Len was always like this.

Len Kagamine was such an innocent guy. Well, ignorant to anything not sports or school-related stuffs.

"Eh, Meito? If it isn't the conjunctions, what fanboy are you talking about?" He stared up to his teammate with ignorance visible in his eyes, glistening like the breathtaking beaches of Hawaii.

"Ugh, fuck that, Len." Meito winced and slumped down on the empty space next to Len. Everyone from the team -- junior members, actually -- was busy practicing this morning. Yells of a heated match echoed inside the gym, together with the screeching shoes, distracted Len easily.

"I'm talking about this well-known fanboy in the campus. He is so famous all over the cyberspace! The kid is head over heels to the celeb transferee -- y'know, the nerdy chick author of a book blah blah." Meito noticed that Len was zoning. "Yo, you listenin' to me or nah?"

Well, he isn't.

"Say, what?" Len flashed him an innocent smile -- that only if it isn't because of Len's pretty face, Meito could have punched him.

"This boy, this fanboy -- he recently claimed that he is studying here after the news about the chick moving here spread like wild fire."

"What fuckboy?" Len asked, unnerving the impatient brunet. Meito groaned as he grabbed Len's face with both of his hands and tried to shake off the two neurons left in the blond's head--or what Meito thought to be working. Again, two neurons.

Meito groaned like Incredible Hulk, his throat trembling with a hoarse 'uuuggghhh -- whhyyy --- fuuuckkk yooouuu -- reeeetardddd' while shaking Len's head in all direction possible. It was so loud and noticeable, catching the attention of their coach. His grip was so tight, Len couldn't even pry the brunet's hand from his face. Meito continued doing so, ignoring Len's complaints, and only stopped when the other senior player hit his head with a magazine.

"Hey, Meito. You swear a lot. Show some dignity so the juniors will look up to you with respect." Kaito leaned his elbow on Meito's shoulder, watching Len massage his cheeks and disarrayed jaws. "Looks like it's gonna hurt until the weekends." He acknowledged Len.

"You, freaking weaklings. Why are you staring? Keep moving your butt and shoot the ball, ass--"

Meito's mouth was slapped again by Kaito.

"The f--" and slap again. "At least let me finish, Kaito! You hit like Hitler."

And slap again.

Lenku one-shot stories by Shirai Hisaishi (orphic saudade)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ