[14] I knew you wouldn't understand

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"Shhh, Get some rest baby. Don't worry, I'll be here. I love you!" Demi said and played with my hair. "I can't." I said. My voice was really raspy.

"Why?" Demi said confused, looking me in the eyes.

"Demons, are killing me." I said slowly word by word.

Demi looked shocked, and sad. "Baby, Don't worry. I'm here. With you, all the time. I'll NEVER EVER leave you okay? Everything's going to be fine, I promise."

I wanted to be with Demi, all the time. forever. Her words were calming me, but I was afraid. So scared. "Sing to me please." I said through tears.

She looked at me with her eyes full of tears. She took a deep breathe, and started singing.

Skies are crying, I'm watching.

Catching teadrops in my hands.

Only silence as it's ending, like we never had a chance.

Her voice was so soft and calming. She held my hand so tightly, that i felt like I was in heaven. Am i really living this?

I slowly fell asleep to Demi's voice. Demons were all gone, only a beautiful peacful world. Thanks to Demi.


I heard footsteps coming in and out of the room. I opened my eyes, they were not so heavy this time, I felt relief. Two doctors were running in and out of the room.

When they saw I was awake one of them said. "Call dr. Madol." 

It took seconds when a younger man walked in all in white. He was pretty handsome, I can say. 

"Good morning, Kayla. How are you feeling?" He asked, while looking into my throat and my eyes. 

There was a huge bandage around my wrists, wouldn't expect that, huh?

"Where's Demi?" I asked quickly, ignoring his question. 

"Demi Lovato, right?" He asked.

I nodded and tried to move a little, but everything was hurting and I sighed loud.

"Kayla. You shouldn't be moving right now. You need to rest." He said in the most annoying tone ever.

"I need Demi." I said as I was tearing up again. I needed her so much that I started to get pissed.

"I will look her up." He said and left. I was alone again. 


As soon Kayla fell asleep to my voice. I was happy that she got some sleep. I got a phone call. "Yeah, It's Demi." I said. "Where are you, you can't leave without Max, You know that?" My manager said angrily. 

"I'm at a hospital. Kayla, almost committed suicide, she almost jumped off a cliff, but I Luckily caught her. Now I'm here, with her. I know, I'm sorry." I said sadly explaining my story.

"Okay, I understand. But Max is coming to the hospital, just in case. Go get some food too, when she arrives. I don't want you to starve, okay? promise?". He said. "I promise. Bye, thank you for being understanding.", "I understand, Demi. Take care of Kayla." Ended.

After 5 minutes Max arrived, when he saw my messy hair and my tired look, it was only 6a.m in the morning, he was suprised. "You should get some rest." He said.

Everything's going to be fine, I promise (Demi Lovato)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ