Twenty Two | Don't You Want Me

Start from the beginning

Basing my choice on the fact that Audrey was a bit of a blabber mouth and could easily ruin the entire plan, I chose option two.

"Well you see, Brandon and I really like each other, so we decided to try out a relationship."

Understanding dawned on her, and her eyes lit up, "Aww really?! that's so cute! what's your name gonna be, oh I know, Laurdon".

I frowned at her, not comprehending, "What?"

"You know, your couple name? Duh."

"Oh yeah," I laughed.

"Yeah, but forget I just said that. It doesn't sound cute at all."

I laughed in agreement and Brandon pulled away from me. "I gotta go," he mumbled.

"Okay, I'll talk to you later," I smiled, and spun around to my locker, not wanting to kiss him, even if it was for the sake of a show.

After getting the appropriate books from my locker, I slammed it shut and walked to English with Audrey, her chattering about how cute my "relationship" was, the entire way.


By lunch, I was getting antsy because I hadn't seen Tyler anywhere; I usually would at least see him passing through in the hallways. Good god I sound like a stalker.

On my way to my lunch table, where Audrey and Lily were sitting, someone grabbed onto my elbow and yanked me aside, behind the broken vending machine.

Squinting because it was sort of dim, I made out Brandon's features.

"What are you doing, Brandon?"

"Lauren! do you want to do this or not, it was your idea!"

"Oh", I gulped. It was time to put our "relationship" on display for my friends, and hopefully someone else, to see.

He ran a hand through his messy, blond hair, before suddenly grabbing my hand, causing me to yelp in surprise.

Okay here goes nothing... We stepped out from behind the vending machine, hands entwined, and made our way to my table.

Stopping in front of my friends, Brandon said, "Okay babe I'll see you later," and kissed me.

It wasn't even bad, if I'm being honest here; he tasted salty, like a mix between McDonald's fries, and pretzels.

After a few seconds, I pulled away and smiled sweetly at him, before he walked away to his own lunch table.

I sat down and looked down at my sandwich for a few seconds, before sneaking a glance at where Tyler should be sitting.


He was staring right at me, a furious expression on his face, before he caught me looking and put on a calm face. I bit my lip to keep from smiling in victory.

I realized that my table was eerily silent, and I looked around to see all three girls staring at me.

Lily and Audrey both looked puzzled, while Carly had a knowing smirk on her face.

"Um...Hey, guys," I said.

Suddenly Lily let out a loud squeal, which made me jump in surprise, especially because Lily rarely even talked.

"That was so freaking cute!" Lily hollered.

I started laughing, and smiled at her, "Well if me getting a boyfriend is what it takes for you to come out of your shell, then so be it!"

She giggled, before looking down and taking a bite of her chicken salad, her long hair covering her face.


During P.E. the class was lined up in our role call lines, and preparing for warmups.

It was quite pathetic of me, but every few seconds I would keep sneaking glances over at the 'M' section, for a certain someone.

Tyler was stretching his arms above his head, and laughing at what some guy had said to him.

His P.E. shorts stopped at his knees, so they left a good amount of his legs exposed. His legs were long and lean, and had a nice bronze tan. Wow, he has really nice legs. Oh my god. What if I'm developing some weird leg fetish?! Great, lets add "Strange attraction to Tyler Morris' legs" to my list of problems.

"Blake! head out of the clouds, give me 15 push-ups for not paying attention!", Mr. Fishers voice boomed, snapping me back to reality.

"Sorry", I muttered, my cheeks heating up as I slid to the ground and began my push-ups.

After I was done, I flopped down onto the Gym floor, exhausted.

I got up, only because I knew I'd just have to do more if I stalled.

When we went out and started our laps around the track, my body went on autopilot, as my mind went into overdrive.

What was the point of even coming up with this elaborate hoax? For all I knew, Tyler could see right through me, and he already knows that I'm a pathetic liar. Shit, if he does, he probably pities me and just counts me in with the tons of other jealous girls pining after him.

Or he believes you, and he's jealous because he likes you, my subconscious whispered.

It's really stupid, honestly. I don't even know why I like Tyler so much. In fact, everything I know tells me I shouldn't; He's rude, cocky, and considers all girls just his "plaything of the night"

Except you.

"Arghh!" I groaned loudly, partly because of my frustration, but mostly because my side was starting to hurt from running for so long.

Gosh. P.E. is stupid. Running is stupid. Everything is stupid.

Boys are so stupid!


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