Road of Dreams

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It was a warm summer afternoon when that accident happened. People were distressed bringing the two patients to the emergency room. They need to undergo intensive surgical operations to save their lives but it was still uncertain if that operation would succeed. In a corner of the hospital was a little girl who was so confused about what happened. She knew that her parents are going to a room with people wearing funny long gowns. She can't fully comprehend what is happening to her mom and dad.

"Yui, are you ok?" Yuuya said with a worried face. He hugged her little cousin to comfort her. "I heard you got into an accident with a ten wheeler truck! Is auntie and uncle ok? How about you?"

"I was outside when that scary truck hit our car. Mom and dad were inside." Yui explained.

"This is terrible. Where are they?"

Yui points the room where the nurses brought her parents. The door of the room was labeled Emergency Room. This made Yuuya nervous since the last time that he come to encounter that signage was when he was still twelve years old. It was a pain for him hearing the words from the doctor that her mother and younger sister died from a bus accident. Five months after that his father got married with an older woman and left him to the custody of his aunt, his mother's sibling. The Mizuno family had always been nice to him but Yuuya didn't want to be that close to them. He don't want to be emotionally attached to and be involved in another family since he don't want to experience again that sad episode of his life, losing his love ones, his family. But in spite of this, Yuuya somewhat show his brotherly affection towards Yui since she reminded him of her deceased sister. He used to try his best not to see Yui being sad by buying some fresh tomatoes for her but at that moment, not even a piece of tomato could wipe away the worry and sadness in her face. Yuuya knew Yui had a hint about what's happening even though she was too young to understand things.

"Doctor! How's my aunt and uncle!" Yuuya immediately approached the doctor who just came out from the room.

"Their vital signs are unstable at the moment but our team is doing our best to save their lives. Let's just pray for their wellbeing." The doctor explained.

Yuuya unenthusiastically went back to the waiting bench where Yui was seated. He was so worried about his aunt and uncle's condition and most especially he was worried about Yui. He knows what it feels like to lose someone at a very young age and he didn't want that to happen to Yui. He looked at Yui who was still gloomy and attempted to explain to her what happened in such a way that it won't shock her.

"Are mom and dad going to die? Are they going to leave me alone permanently?" Yui said.

Yuuya was surprised that Yui already have an idea about people dying at a very young age. But what surprised him the most is that not a tear even fell down from her eyes. Yui is strong but Yuuya could still feel the sadness in her heart and he wanted to comfort her so badly.

He picked up some fresh tomatoes in his bag, a treat he bought for Yui hours ago before he heard about the accident. Tomatoes has been Yui's favorite ever since and it is because her parents used to feed her tomatoes when she was still younger. They believed that tomatoes could make Yui's skin fairer and lighter and to some extent, her skin is indeed fair and light which made her a cute girl. Yui took the tomato that her cousin gave and ate it but its sweet and sour flavor couldn't quench the worry in her eyes. This made Yuuya more depressed. He was so hopeless at that time just like what happened to him three years ago.

"Yui-chan! I heard there was a Chinese Cultural Exhibit to be held today at the park! How about let's go there to cheer ourselves up. I know your mom and dad will be well after we come back here." Yuuya said in his most lively voice to cheer Yui.

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