~Chapter One~

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I was awoken by a huge crash and heavy footsteps thundering down the hallway past my closed bedroom door. I froze and listened for the footsteps to disappear before moving even an inch. I gave a mere glance at the clock, 5:00am it read in digital block numbers. I knew something was wrong; no one was ever up this early unless there was something definitely wrong.

I threw back the covers and ignoring the chill that shot up my legs when my bare feet hit the floor. Creeping to the door and I cracked it open so that I just could see outside into the hall. At first I couldn’t see anything apart from the small amount of furniture that lined the walls of the hallway, I was about to the shut the door when I spot something come around the corner down the end. I did a double take as I saw these two men carrying what looked like a big black plastic bag.

Intrigued, I silently watched as they struggled towards me with their load. Making sure I was out of their view but still able to see them, really wondering what was in that bag and who they were for that matter. They got level with my door and I literally almost threw up right then and there when I saw what was in the bag. It was only partially zipped up, it was a body bag and the familiar hand of my older brother was slightly hanging out of open pocket. Imagine my increasing shock when I realised that there was light blood trail that the two men left in their wake, obviously from my brother.

I couldn’t scream, I couldn’t do anything, I quickly shut the door and leant against the wall sobs silently racking through my body. I stopped when I held raised voices coming from the other side of the house, the direction of my parents’ room. I shook my head in disbelief, this couldn’t really be happening. Then I realised who else was still here and I prayed was still in the land of the living.

Opening my door again and listening intently for footsteps or any noise really I hurriedly my way down the hall past my brother’s room to my little sister’s room. The door was slightly ajar, exactly how I leave it when after I say goodnight to her, she’s slightly afraid of the dark so we always have some form of light either in or slightly out of her room.

I shut my eyes preparing myself for anything and softly pushed the door. I quickly returned the door to its original position so to not cause any unwanted attention from the men. I frantically looked around for Mia, looking at the bed and found it empty. No! They couldn’t have taken her, she’s only 10. I did a quick sweep of her room and found nothing. Ugh! Where is she?

Then I held a small muffled noise coming from under the bed, I thanked my lucky stars and kneeled down to find her huddled in the corner. “Mia?” I called just above a whisper. She swung her head around and almost jumped at me, obviously glad to see me. I heard the heavy footsteps return from the other side of the house and continue down towards Mia’s room.

I immediately army rolled under the bed and held Mia close to me while trying to get as far into the corner as physically possible. The footsteps stopped in front of the bedroom, apparently realising that there was one more bedroom that they haven’t checked, that is if they have already looked through my room. The light from the hall flooded into the room they also felt it necessary to turn the bedroom light on as well.

I tightened my grip on Mia and she silently snuggled further into me. She was the last of my family and I’ll fiercely protect her, even up to the last breath leaves my body. That’s how important she was to me, she wasn’t just my sister but I classed myself as her second mother when mum wasn’t around. We had a close bond; we were closer to each other than we were to anyone else.

If I lost her too there would be no way that I would be able to survive, I would be filled with such hatred that I’m pretty sure that I would hunt these people down and kill them off slowly, show no mercy in return for them showing no mercy what so ever to my family.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2013 ⏰

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