Safe and sound

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Vilu's P.O.V

As I stepped I fell back not hitting the ground but feeling the warmth of hands just like when Leon caught me as I hit the door on my first day. When I looked up I meet eyes with none other than a boy with green eyes and dark drown hair with the cutest smile. I felt like I've meet him before but where.

We looked at each for a good five minutes me still in his arms under the pouring rain. I don't even know this guys name but it felt comfortable to be in his arms. After what happened with Leon and Ludmilla it didn't feel right to talk to anyone until I've calmed down and stopped crying. I jumped out of his arms."look thanks for catching me and all but I'm not in the mood" I said pushing the boy away and starting to walk away.
" Hey wait my names Tomas what's yours?" The Tomas kid yelled at me. I didn't feel like telling him so I just lightly smiled and waved as I ran towards my house soaking wet.

Fran's P.O.V

I..I..I'm out of I just ran all the way to Vilu's from the school without stopping and did I mention it's raining!!! She didn't show up to music class and Maxi told me she ran out crying. I feel bad for her she just started at this school and she's already getting picked on, there's only one thing at could of made her runaway crying like she did and her names...Ludmilla.
I was about to knock on the Castillo house when I felt someone run into me knocking me into the door." Sorry, sorry,sorry" Vilu said helping me up." I've been clumsy all day today I didn't mean to I just.." I cut her off by hugging her." Whathappend to you Maxi told me you ran out of school crying?"before I knew it Violetta collapsed in my arms crying." Ludmilla and Leon... they...they" she was stuttering" they pretended to fight at my house last night and break up when Leon and I started to rehearse for our assignment without Ludmilla but he...he tried to kiss me but I backed away and then.."
"Wait what!? You didn't tell me that!"I shouted cutting her off."I didn't know I could trust you yet I just met you yesterday." I just gave her a trusting look." Back to what I was saying though Leon and Ludmilla they were at my locker this morning. They..." A tear rolled down her cheek as she continued" it was all a trick Leon said I didn't actually believe he wanted to kiss me he played me as a fool." Vilu finished as I could see her tear up again. I couldn't believe it tomorrow when I see Leon he's gonna regret even meeting me trust me.

I took Vilu in her house and we sat and talked for almost three hours until I relized we basically missed the whole day of school and when I told Vilu she broke out in laughter. It felt good to see her smile, she just went through two people pranking her and she can still find a way to smile. It got really late so I decided to head home because we have school tomorrow but tomorrow is gonna be a big day for Leon and Ludmilla when I'm done with them because no one messes with my friends and gets away with it.

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