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ok.... take it easy on me... I'm kinda new at this, but I still love writing. just tell me if this is horrible... :;:btw if the words are like this it means that's what she's thinking.:;:

Edit/Side Note: I wrote this when I was eleven and I am now 14. I will be continuing this story as soon as I can<3


"No! quit!" I screamed as Chris tickled my neck so intensley I thought I would die of laughter.

"Not until you apologize!" Chris squealed.

"Never!" I choked out, laughing so hard that tears welled in my eyes. If Chris kept this up, I would laugh to death!

"FINE! I GIVE, I GIVE!" I laughed.

"Good. No one calls me a pig and gets away with it." He giggled.

"You eat like one though!" I pressed.

"Whatever." you little! I punched him in the arm playfully. "What was that for?" he squeaked, then gave me a fake mad face and pressed his flawless lips against mine. I let the kiss sink in, then eventualy pulled away, catching my breath.

"What was THAT for?" I asked in my best confused voice I could pull of.

"You." he answered simply. I rolled my eyes.

"I have to go. I have volleyball at seven, and coach Sara will KILL me if I'm late. He nodded.

"In other words, genius, get out so I can change!" He giggled and left me to change.

--------------------------------ill try to get this done soon, but I can't by tommorow because I'm grounded from my phone tommorow -.- so please be patient! please tell me how you like the story so far and what you think I should add! yes, it is a ross lynch and r5 love story, I just haven't got to that yet. I will. just keep reading. anywho, really sorry about the short chapter! and its kinda boring .-.

anyway, please check for updates!! they will come, even if not soon. please comment!


After losing the volleyball game 4-2, I pick up pizza and head home.

"MOM!! LIZY IS HOME!!!!!!" Screamed my sister Katy. Katy is a brat. She may be older then me, but she's a freak for her age. she ALWAYS looks the same. a messy bun is all I have ever seen her beautiful blonde hair in. her makeup is always the same, too. A sparkley light brown highlights her crease, and a death-like pale shadows her browbone. her mascara makes her eyes resemble a cats. cherry blush. she's not a very complicated person. as for me, next to her I look like a ghost who just got done cleaning a pig pen. that's how ugly I am. I didn't get my moms good looks OR my dads smarts. nope. that all went to Katy. brat.

"No duh." I moaned to my pillow. I was the reason my poor volleyball team always lost. I should quit for their sake. the only real people who don't hate me in my life are Chris, my mom, and my best friend Lilly. My mom is totally understandable, but honestly, I don't get why Chris likes me, or lilly. Chris could totally get all the hot girls at school at once if he wanted too. but he chose me. its like, what the heck? but lilly, she toataly gets me. we are like one person were so alike. if I'm not at school, Im ethier hanging out with lilly, or Chris, or both. otherwise, I'm at home doing homework or something. at least i have people who care about me at all.


OK, lol. I'm done now. I'm sorry I'm so obsessed.

uhm... what I said about last time, just count that for this time, if that makes any sense. anywho, write more later. grounded. *bows* UNTILL SATURDAY OR SO

****P.S: SOrry about the part one in two in one part


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