Chapter Six

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*Chapter Six*

The next morning I woke up and threw a quick glance at the clock on my nightstand. The green numbers read out, 11:47 AM. I groaned and pulled a pillow over my face. I knew my mom was at work and that meant I was home alone. I rubbed my eyes and looked down at myself, realizing I was still in yesterdays outfit.

Dragging myself out of bed I changed into a comfy pair of sweats and a tank top. I was fixing my hair into a ponytail when I heard my phone vibrate on the nightstand. That’s weird, I thought, I don’t remember putting it on vibrate. I shrugged, I must’ve put it on before the concert because I knew there was no way I could hear a ringtone over the music.

I walked over to the nightstand and picked up the phone, expecting to see a good morning text from James or perhaps a text from Heather saying she wanted to hang out again today. Instead I saw my phone number popping up on the screen. Confusion set in as I held the iPhone in my hand. I slid the unlock key and watched as the home screen popped up . . . with a background I’ve never seen before.

This isn’t my phone. The thought cut through me and I fell back onto the bed, clutching onto the stranger’s phone. Mom is going to kill me if she finds out I lost my phone. The phone in my grasp vibrated again, alerting me of the text coming from my actually phone and I pulled it up.

► Hey, I think we have a case of missing identity. You have my phone and I have yours. I’m sure you probably want your phone back ;)

I sat there staring at the screen, unsure of what to do. Obviously I wanted my phone back, but I wasn’t going to meet up with a stranger for it. For all I know they could be a serial killer who steals phones and plants replicates with the victims to set everything up. Okay maybe that’s a bit far-fetched but still, I don’t know this person.

◄ Who are you?

I sent the text and sat there, waiting for a reply.  I fidgeted with the cold phone and stared at the clock. 11:54 AM. The iPhone vibrated again and it notified me that I received a picture message. I tap on the texting icon and watch as the picture loads.  Suddenly the picture is there and I see a picture of none other than a smiling Nick Stewart.

                ◄Okay so seriously, you jacked my phone?

I was now extremely annoyed with him. Standing up I started pacing back and forth waiting for the next text.

►No, I set my phone down on a table, you happened to grab the wrong one. I figured when you left in a hurry yesterday you didn’t really take the time to figure out which phone was yours. :)

I ground my jaw and shook my head. He was right, but I wasn’t going to admit that.

◄Alright whatever, just give me my phone back k?

            ► Well maybe I like texting you :)

          ◄ Yeah but I’m going to be grounded for life if I don’t get my phone back so when can I get it back?

          ► Come find me Jade ;)

I shook my head and looked out the window, my thumbs tapping at the screen typing out:

◄How am I suppose to find you?

          ► My tour is taking a break for a while here so don’t worry about me leaving, and besides, you’ll know how.

I couldn’t help but wonder what he possibly meant before the phone vibrated again with another picture message. I watched as a picture of a purple and green swing set was displayed. The swing set sparked familiarity and I realized it was one of the sing sets at the park in the middle of town. “Okay so he’s at the park,” I spoke softly out loud. I pulled on a hoodie and slid the phone into the pocket.

I shook my head and headed downstairs and out the door. It wasn’t long before I was in my little Robin Egg blue punch buggy and heading for the park. As I drove I began to wonder what Heather would say once she learned Nick had my phone and I had his. I laughed as I thought about how she would probably want to steal his phone and keep it hidden.

I lived about eighteen minutes away from the park and the drive was quick. The town was lazy today, there weren’t very many cars out on the road and that’s the way I liked it. When I arrived at the park there were very few people.  There were no clouds in the summer sky and I smiled lightly.

Closing the car door, I began making my way to the swing set, eyes searching, hears listening for him to call out my name, and surprisingly sweaty palms. There was no reason for me to nervous, so why were my hands shaking lightly. Pulling out the iPhone I double checked the picture.

Yes, I was at the exact swing set he had sent me a picture of, but where was he? I walked over to the purple and green swing and sat down. Then I began to wait.

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