A Chance For Change

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So this is my first Avengers fanfic. I've been wanting to do something like this since I saw Civil War the Saturday it came out but I haven't gotten around to it until now. There are some aspects of this story that probably won't match up with the movies but hey it's called fan fiction for a reason.

I just want to quickly add something; the main characters are loosely based off of Jody and Aidan from Beyond Two Souls, but they are not a complete match. This is not a crossover I just really liked Jodie and Aidan's story and wanted to incorporate it into this story.



Life can be such a strange thing. One minute you're playing with your friends on the playground, pretending to be superheroes or knights or firefighters, and the next your friends are running away from you because you're a "monster". It's not my fault William Grimes shoved my face in mud on the playground on the hottest spring day in third grade. If he hadn't then the fifth grader wouldn't have been thrown into the chain linked fence on the other side of the playground. If I think hard enough, I can still see the horrified looks on the other kids faces. The foster kid who was abandoned by her parents just threw a kid two grades above her and weighed forty pounds more across the lawn. Scariest part was that she didn't even touch him.

The three kindergarteners cried and ran away. A first grader stared at me, her eyes wide with horror. Two fourth graders and a fifth grader ran over to Willy and examined the boy. His head was bleeding and he had a cut under his eye. Willy spat out mud and pointed in my direction.

"She's a monster!" He shrieked. He began to wail, going on saying I was a monster, a witch.

"It wasn't me!" I shouted as my teacher Miss. Howard ran over to us with another teacher and a nurse. The teacher who's name I didn't bother to learn ran towards Willy and bent down trying to sooth him. The kid was blubbering, snot dripping down his nose. I couldn't help but feel temporarily proud. The jerk had gotten a little taste of Karma.

That euphoric feeling lasted for five seconds before Miss. Howard pulled me by my arm and dragged me to the principals office. Long story short I was expelled. That elementary school was pretty damn strict. Then again the kid was bruised pretty badly and his parents threatened to sue the school for allowing such violence to happen.

Horrified by what I had done, my foster parents had given me back to the state, afraid if they'll be the next target of "my" wrath.

This cycle happened for another six years until I finally ran away from the foster care system and decided to live out on the streets. It's not the best option but it was better than having to deal with yet another family turning away from me.

It's not like I needed them anyway.

I had Max.

I always had Max.


Max has been with me since the moment I was born. He guided me and saved me. Abandoned at a young age by those who were supposed to love you for life was tough but luckily I had Max. With Max by my side it made living on the streets more bearable. I bounced from shelter to shelter, begged for (and during desperate times stole) food. If some sick fuck came up to me not only did my ability to kick some serious ass keep me safe but Max made sure the sicko got the message and would never come near me again.

Ghost, entity, imaginary, monster; those are the names that people had associate with Max. Honestly I don't know who (or what) he is truly is but I call him Max: my protector, my guardian angel, my savior.

My friend.


New York was a terrible place to stay in considering all the shit that's been happening. A few years earlier some god or wizard or whatever the fuck he was nearly destroyed the city with weird alien shit. The Avengers took care of that but not without a high casualty rate.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2016 ⏰

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