Lovers Today (Chapter 2)~B Dogs Shop 4 Hawt Guyz

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(Written by CarWritesFanfic )

Garroth's POV

"Travis, shut up!" Laurance exclaims, giving the white haired boy a final punch in the arm. "You're so stupid..." The blue eyed brunette mutters. "I'm not the one that was starring at--" Travis starts, but Laurance quickly covers his mouth. Laurance flinches away quickly, "WHY'D YOU LICK MY HAND?" Laurance yells. "You wouldn't of let go if I didn't." Travis replies. "True..." The brunette agrees. Laurance whispers something in Travis' year, making him blush. "Laurance!" Travis exclaims. Laurance snickers. "What'd you tell him?" I ask, "You don't want to know." Laurance says. "It involves Zane." Travis adds. I raise an eyebrow, already assuming. It's either Zane and Travis or Zane and Aphmau. Both assumptions make me sick, the only thought of it making my stomach twist. I don't want my baby brother growing up! "Guys! Shut up! I'm trying to sleep!" Dante yells. Laurance groans, "Come on, let's actually do something with today." Laurance gets up then walks to his room. "Dante, get up, we're going out." I raise my voice. "I WON'T DATE YOU, GARROTH." Dante screams. My eyes widen, "NOT IN THAT WAY. WE'RE ALL GOING TO DO SOMETHING." I snap. I don't hear Dante say anything else.

~1 Hour Later, Laurance's POV

Once everyone's ready, we invite the girls. Aphmau, Kawaii~Chan and Katelyn come along, they'll meet us at the mall. Once we get there (hooray to Dante's car), we meet the girls at the food court. "Ahh! Garroth~Kun, Laurance~Kun! Come to Kawaii~Chan for a second!" Kawaii~Chan exclaims, running towards us. Garroth grabs my wrist (which causes an involuntary blush to appear on my face), then leads me over to the pink haired meif'wa. "Yes?" I ask. "Are Laurance~Kun and Garroth~Kun together?" Kawaii~Chan asks, referring to our hands. Garroth quickly releases, a small pink appearing on his face. "S-Sorry!" Garroth exclaims. "It's fine." I reply, a pink forming on my cheeks as well. "Squee! Kawaii~Chan's new ship!" She exclaims. "Laurance, Garroth, Kawaii~Chan, come over here!" Aphmau exclaims. The three of us walk over to the crowd, "Everyone will split into pairs," She starts, "Laurance and Garroth... Dante and Kawaii~Chan, Katelyn and Travis. I've invited Aaron, so he'll be over in a minute." Aphmau explains. Garroth and I get together, "Where do you want to go first?" I ask awkwardly. Garroth gasps, "Keep up!" He exclaims. He grabs my wrist then runs off, something obviously caught his eye. "Garroth, slow down!" I exclaim. "No!" He replies in the same tone. Eventually, the blonde slows down. We end up at 'B Dogs Shop 4 Hawt Guyz'. I mentally faceplam, "I can't believe he actually made this." I mutter into my hand. And by 'he' I mean the one and only Brendan Piko. "No time to talk, let's go!" Garroth seems excited. Like I said, something must've caught his eye. "Why're we here?" I ask Garroth as he drags me into the 'Hawt Guyz store'. AKA, Brendan's store. Brendan opened it to get ladies, but his plan isn't exactly going as hoped for. "Brendan!" Garroth greets as the black haired boy stands behind a register. "Garroth? Laurance? What're you guys doing here?" Brendan asks. Garroth lets go of my hand, "Stay here. I need to discuss something with Brendan." Garroth commands. I nod, then search around the store.

Garroth's POV

After I let Laurance go, I rush over to Brendan. "Do you have the potion we talked about?" I question in a smug and lowered voice. "Of course I do. Come on, follow me." Brendan leads me to the back of the shop. "One second." Brendan says. He drags a chair over to the counter. He hops on it, then starts rummaging thru a certain cabinet. About a minute passes before he pulls out a sparkling red potion. Brendan hops off the chair he was standing on, then walks over to me. Brendan gets close, holding the potion even closer. "This will make anybody of your desire fall in love with you." Brendan smirks. A smirk forms onto my face ask well. "And I know just who to use it on." I reply. "A brunette named Laurance Zvhal."

A/N: Word Count: 714 words. (3 Minutes Long)

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