About me pt 2

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I've stayed at home for the past three weeks. I don't want to be ignored by my 'friends' be called and 'Emo wannabe' and be told that no one gives a shit!

I'm actually quite sick of my school at the moment. They don't care. They say they do but they don't.

Life is a horrid thing. Death sounds much better to be honest.

I might not cut. But sometimes I seriously consider it.

I can't take this shit anymore. Sometimes I wonder what it will be like when I die. I'm not afraid of death. I actually want to die. It sounds better than reality.

I threatened two people with scissors saying "annoy me one more time and I'll gorge your eyes out" or "come in my room and I'll gorge your eyes out" i was seriously considered throwing the scissors at those two people and hoped it got them in the eyes.

I had a dream where I was at school and my friends threw me off the roof of a building. I didn't cry or scream I let it happen. Crazy dream right?

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