
By the time Tony came out of his workshop, it was 2 pm a day later. He was hungry, tired, and slightly tipsy. Alright, so maybe he was starving, exhausted, and drunk... who cares.

Just as he stumbled into the kitchen, hunting for some coffee, he heard the team talking and laughing in the livingroom.
He quickly grabbed a hot mug full and attempted to go back to the elevator unseen. He could just hide back in the workshop and-



If anyone else had called his name he would have simply kept walking... but not for Steve.

And indeed, a blond head with pleading blue eyes popped around the door opening and smiles. "Hey Tony, we haven't seen you for ages. Come on, join us for movie night?"

Tony would later blame his exhaustion on the soft nod he gave, blame his intoxication on the way he easily let Steve drag him along and put him on the couch besides the others.

There were casual drinks, Bruce holding a hot cup of tea, Natasha sipping from a glass of Vodka, Clint just munching on some chips... it seemed causal, Tony doubted he was welcome.

Just as he started fidgeting and opened his mouth to make an excuse to leave, Thor walked in with a huge grin holding his hammer up.

"My friends! I have brought you a challenge!"

All eyes turned from the screen towards the god who appeared larger than life.
A dull thud was heard when Thor sat his hammer down on the coffee table, denting the expensive wood and making Tony cringe a little. Pepper was definitely going to yell at him for that.

Clint peaked up first and grinned broadly. "I'm always up for a challenge. What is it?" The archer asked overly excited.
As Natasha narrowed her eyes at Clint's oddly enthusiastic response, Thor grinned back and started explaining.

"You are aware only I can lift Mjölnir, as you have attempted to lift her before. I was merely wondering whether our time as comrades has changed this matter."

Steve raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms. "You want us to try and lift it again?" There was obvious surprise in the captain's voice as he eyed the hammer with obvious intent.

Thor agreed with a loud "Aye" and asked Steve to go first.

Tony kept silent throughout the entire conversation. He eyed everyone's movements and tried not to flinch, feeling too wrecked and worn out to deal with this all.

However, he did take this opportunity to watch Steve flex those stunning muscles under his way too tight shirt in preparation.

A large hand reached down and grasped the leather handle. Everyone saw Steve give a small tug and smirk before lifting the hammer up with ease.

Eyes widened and Bruce chuckled softly. "Should have seen that coming." He muttered amused while Thor clasped Steve's shoulder in congratulations.

"Who will try next?"

Clint jumped up and shouted ME way too loud, impatiently waiting for Steve to out Mjölnir down so he could try.

Tony watched everything with wide glazy eyes, almost gasping when Barton listen the hammer up with ease as well.

The agent whooped loudly and swung the hammer around for a bit before putting it down.

Bruce got challenged next and the scientist agreed after a bit if prompting. "Alright guys, but don't expect too much..."

One brief second of tension... and Bruce held the hammer above his head with a broad smile.

Natasha opened her mouth to volunteer to go next when Clint suddenly grabbed Tony's hand and pulled the engineer up to his feet.
Said genius was quite out of it and the exhaustion compared with the alcohol in his system did not work great with the panic he felt building up. It took amazing effort to pull up his masks and grin. "I'll pass, really, I've tried before, it's just a hammer. With magic. It's bullshit anyway."

Angsty Tony One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now