He Maybe Cute..

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Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. I just have had a lot of stuff going on, but yay! An update.
It was warm having another body pressed so closely to him. An odd feeling, but not unwelcomed. Bill quite liked it, actually. Dipper had migrated up the bed during the night and had himself draped over Bill. Less draped, more like trying to fuse himself to Bill. The kid was like an octopus. All wrapped around Bill, while Bill's own arms were locked to his sides.

Bill eyed Pine Tree as he snored softly, rubbing his cheek against Bill's shoulder.

Pine Tree was cute.

Really cute.

Bill hated it.

Bill glared all his worth at Dipper. How dare he be cute? Doesn't he know that Bill is going through a crises? And here he was, being, well him! He was far too comfortable with this. Honestly, he wanted to stay there until Dipper woke up. He could just imagine Pine Tree getting all flushed and embarrassed with being curled up with Bill. The thought made him smile. Pine Tree would definitely be cute. "..." This is bad. Grunting, Bill wiggled around until one of his arms were free. Which was easier said than done. Those arms tightened with any movement. It didn't look like he would be able to free the rest of himself without waking Pine Tree. "Alright, Pine Tree. Time to wake up," he said, poking Dipper's face. The love potion was doing its thing again. He needed to be free.

He was rewarded with a groaned that sounded like a muffled no repeated several times until they were a trail of m's. Unfortunately, Dipper also tightened his hold on Bill, securing his legs around Bill's own.

"Pine Tree, I will set your hair on fire if you don't release me." He wouldn't. Bill enjoyed the fluff that was Dipper's hair. Maybe he'll singe it instead.

With no answer, Bill sighed and debated accepting his fate. There was no escape, not when part of him refused to move anyways. It wasn't all bad, he thought, rolling his head to gaze down at Dipper. If it weren't for the love potion he'd probably enjoy it a lot more. Doubt and loss of control tend to put a damper on cuddling. Reaching up, he ran his hands through those brown locks. They were soft and springy as he pulled at the ends. Close up, the human wasn't ugly. That's not to say he is ugly far away, but Pine Tree certainly wasn't ugly. He was nice to look at. His face was nice. Soft, even. As he pulled his hand away, his eye traveled with his fingertips as they grazed over the incline of the young man's cheek before brushing over parted lips. "Pine Tree," he whispered, running his thumb over the bottom lip.

A shuttered breath drew in around his thumb. "Bill?" those lips gasped, dragging across his thumb and sending an involuntary shiver down Bill's spine.

Stiffly, Bill slowly started to look up, locking with Dipper's impossibly wide eyes. Bill could see the flakes of gold around the pupils this close up.

His mouth moved to speak, but nothing came out. He tried to move away, but Dipper quickly grabbed onto his clothes and pulled him back until they were nearly eyes to eye. He could feel Dipper exhale against his lips, giving Bill the urge to lick his lips. It was exhilarating. His heart thundered in his chest, watching Dipper as those brown eyes darted from Bill's eye down to Bill's lips. He wanted to move close, but all Bill could do was stay still and wait for whatever Pine Tree was going to do. He waited. He didn't know what for, but he hoped that Dipper would-


Both of them jumped apart as Mabel came bounding into the room. "Dipper! It's noon and..." she paused, taking in the sight of her brother and Bill still on the bed, breathing heavily. "Did you two sleep together?"

"What? Mabel! Get out!" Dipper threw a pillow at his twin who ran out of the room giggling.

Then was the silence.

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