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This book was confusing but in a good way. I still don't understand stand every little thing but now I understand the big picture. It's like little spots on the picture is not filled in and all you can see is the canvas. But what I know is that Hazel and Augustus (or Gus) loved each other more than anything. They were in their own little universe as they talked and looked at each other. They had their own infinity, as Hazel said at Gus's pre funeral. Which I didn't get at first but now I do.
∞  This is their love.
Equal and will never stop.
When Hazel was in the hospital for her watery lungs, Augustus wanted her to die. This sound really bad but it's not. He wanted her to not suffer the pain of watching him die. He knew that he would die soon. It's like the feeling of when you know somethings about to happen. When you know your about to fall off your bike when you learn to ride it. Or you know your going to mess up on your presentation. That feeling.
He pray for that to happen because he would see her in heaven. But she made her amazing recovery. And got to go see that drunk writer of An Imperial Affliction.
Peter Van Houten (that drunk writer) even came to Gus's funeral. Which she was not happy about but she learned she was like Anna in the book. Which made her happy.
Anyways I'm ranting but I want to talk about one more person. Isaac.
He was a boy with cancer that got both his eyes cut out. Cool right. Nah not really.
His girlfriend broke up with him and never checked on him.
But they threw eggs at her car. That was cool.
Anyways Isaac was Gus's best friend. And Isaac never wanted to be without him.
No more trophies to smash about girls. No more playing The Price of Dawn.
He only had Hazel who also really missed him.
Anyways that's all I have to say. Not a lot. But enough that my tired fingers can handle.
Thanks for taking the time to read. ∞

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2016 ⏰

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