My Life Living In Hollyoaks.

Start from the beginning

I felt sorry for Freddie, he was stuck with a twin like me.

I lazily got out of my bed and began to open a random box with a pocket-knife.

I rummaged in the box and found my laptop.

I set it down on my bed and also pulled out a photo frame of me and Freddie.

He was giving me a piggy back and smiling to the camera. My legs were wrapped around his waist and both my hands were in a thumbs up position.

We looked happy. Innocent almost.

Then Freddie started getting tattoo's. He felt like he couldn't express how he felt to anyone, so he did it with tattoo's.

We began to spend less and less time with each other, me with my group of friends, him with his.

Even though I have Aspergers, it's like Freddie has it most of the time too. He's really really independant.

He fights with our brothers enough to prove it.

I set the picture frame down on top of the laptop and closed the box.

I dived onto my bed and opened up my laptop.

On top of the keyboard was a train ticket. A train ticket that was purchased a week before I left.

My hand started shaking as memories came flooding back to me.


I sat on a seat at the end of the last carriage of the train, purely because there were no people. I'm not good with people.

I twirled a lock of my dark brown hair around my index finger and fiddled with the train ticket.

It was a single one, to London. No return.

My family didn't know that I was going to his house. They would kill me if they knew. They would kill him aswell.

My phone beeped at least a million times with texts and missed calls but I just ignored it.

They weren't going to ruin this for me. Nothing was going to ruin this for me.

~End of Flashback~

I wiped a few stray tears away from my face and tried to wipe the memory away from my mind.

But it wasn't working.

~Flashback continued~

"Ellie! Come inside!" He beckoned, smiling a breath-taking smile.

I nodded and followed him inside the house.

The house that was soon to become our house.

"See, your brothers aren't here to ruin this now, are they?" He smiled, but his eyes showed pure hatred.

I slowly nodded and looked down at my feet.

I loved Luke, but he scared me sometimes.

"Let's just not talk about them," I muttered, desperate to change the subject. "Let's go to the Lake."

Right next to Luke's house was this huge abandoned Lake, nobody went there, but it was still beautiful.

"Of course," Luke smiled, his eyes held something that I couldn't detect in them. "Come on."

~End of flashback~

By now, I had literally started sobbing, remembering the last bit of this awful memory.

~Flashback continued~

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" I said calmly, stepping closer to the edge of the lake.

"Yeah." Luke sighed, coming up to me from behind and wrapping his arms around my waist.

My phone suddenly beeped again, but before I could take it out of my pocket to switch it off, Luke grabbed it and threw it into the lake.

I turned around to face him.

"Luke! Why did you do that for?!" I demanded angrily.

He didn't reply. He just clamped his hands onto my shoulders and pushed me backwards.

I fell into the lake.

"LUKE!" I screamed.

It was a loud echoey sound that was overpowered by the huge splash I heard when my body made contact with the water.

~End of Flashback~

I have no idea how I survived, or who found me. Freddie doesn't know either as everyone knew he would tell me straight away.

The only thing I know is that soon after Luke killed himself.

He jumped into the Lake after me.

I say Lake, but it was actually really deep.

I remember seeing my family all there.

My mom crying her eyes out, my brothers pacing the area furiously.

Joe had vowed that if Luke hadn't killed himself, he would have gone to do it for him.

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