Arrived after tournament.

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Klay Thompson and the rest of the players came home after the practice as the kids were surprised to see their parents. Mychel had something to say. "So anything new? I remembered when we first discussed about it," "Well In fact, your daughter is born here in Los Angeles, I was wondering that If I am doing anything," Klay replied to his brother Mychel. "So what are you going to do now Klay? Are you expecting another child?" Klay started shaking his head. "Not what I think of, Tristan hasn't told me any other stuff yet. Although, I wouldn't want anything bad happen to me when I play basketball on the next tournament," Mychel was feeling a little concerned knowing that his brother would be pregnant again when he is going to work. "If I have time to decide about what is going to happen in December. It is definitely yes Mychel, I am going to expect a child starting December," Klay said as he walked upstairs to his bedroom.

Tristan Thompson waits for Klay as Klay started changing his basketball Jersey and shorts to his sleepwear. "So what's the news love?" Tristan wondered. "I need to tell you something," "What is it?" Klay ended up hearing the question that Tristan asked him but still unsure. "Oh it's about time you were telling me that we will be expecting a child again? Well I bet you heard me and my brother talking about it, but I wasn't sure," Tristan went to him as he placed his hand on his stomach. "Oh Klay, as the wishes come true, you will be pregnant again, I wanted to have another child,"

Klay's argument with Tristan.

In Fact, Klay starts arguing with Tristan

"What do you want me to do? Expect a child again? I almost lost my son once in the accident, I mean I can't have another child yet because I had to go straight to work with Stephen Curry. All I have to do is help my children with homework, dance recitals and a lot of stuff to do. Tristan, I can't allow that to happen because Stephen Curry tells me that it would be difficult to have one during the practice. Look at me! Tristan, I would love to, but it's just that I haven't made any choice yet," "I just wanted what's the best for you Klay, I just wanted what's the best for our children, I mean look at this! We cannot be complete without our children," Tristan added. "I know that you are stressed about what I was talking about," "Exactly!" Klay felt frustrated. "I cannot expect another child during basketball season, I needed to take a break for three months from the basketball practice when doing that,"

"I know Klay, I know," Tristan heard enough of Klay's words. "I know you are frustrated and you understood about what it means to you," Klay Thompson started crying after hearing Tristan Thompson's Conversation. His face was soaked with tears. Klay put his head on his arm and spoke. "All you wanted to do is that you will leave me, leave me just to take care of my children and you will find another man who will marry you and have kids on your own," "Of course not Klay!" He replied while rubbing his back gently. "Klay I will not leave you no matter what, I will always love you, we love our children and we don't want anything bad happen to them when they grow old. When they have kids on their own, we will have grandchildren," "When I'm ready to go to sleep Tristan, I'll just relax for a while," He walked downstairs.

Stephen Curry noticed something happened to Klay. "What's wrong homie? You seem very sad," "Oh it's just a general thing," Klay was still crying. "I know that I cannot expect another child during the tournament, Am I correct?" "You are correct Klay," Stephen Curry smiles at him. "In the meantime, you have to take a break from the basketball season, I spoke to the coach earlier that when expecting a child, all of the players who will become parents need to take a break, so don't worry about it, you're not pregnant yet, you are well," Klay hugs Steph and said. "Thank you Stephen Curry," "Anytime Klay," He laughed. "Just stay that way," "Okay Okay Okay," Klay Thompson runs upstairs as he gave Tristan Thompson a kiss. "Thanks Tristan," "Of course love," he replied.

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