Boys Night

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(A/n: Ms. Rain here with the eighth chapter featuring Styde, the last pairing. Sadly there are no images of said couple so I made one instead. Please enjoy)

"What do you call cheese that isn't yours?"

Stan sighed at yet another one of his boyfriend's crappy jokes. Who hadn't heard this one before? "Not-cho cheese," he answered in a bored tone.

"Aww c'mon you're no fun dude," Clyde whined with a pout.

Stan rolled his eyes. "Yeah because all your jokes have already been heard of Clyde."

The brunette stuck his tongue out at him, then laid down on the floor. They were over Stan's house for a boys night out for the weekend. Stan invited his boyfriend, Kenny who was also on the floor but was sat Indian style, Craig who agreed because he had nothing better to do over the weekend was sat on the couch along with Kyle and Tweek. Stan was sat in a chair he'd got from the dining table by the couch.

"I got a joke," Kenny announced.

"If it's the "boo bees" joke again," Craig threatened. "I swear-"

"Nah it's a different one."

"Boobies?" Clyde sat up appearing interested. "I wanna hear it!"

Craig rolled his eyes. "It's boo bees not boobies you nut, plus it's not even funny," he admitted dully.

"Oh really now? Says the guy who smiled and kissed me after I told it to him," Kenny boasted.

Craig blushed and flipped him off while the others laughed. "It was a challenge, and you were suppose to make me laugh not smile you freakin' idiot."

"I still wanna hear it so teeeell meeeee," Clyde whined again crossing his arms. Stan pinched the bridge of his nose.

"It's like they're a "couple" of babies eh?" Kyle joked-more like tried to joke. "No? Okay." Tweek face palmed at his attempt at humor, and the redhead just shrugged. "Hey, I tried but it's true. Stan and Clyde are crybabies."

"I'm not a crybaby. I only cried twice, and that was it," Stan confessed shooting him a glare.

"Yeah and the two times you cried were about?" Kyle pushed with a sly smile. Stan blushed, but didn't respond back making the redhead smirk victoriously. "Thought so. If I wanna make crappy jokes like Kenny, then I'll do so."

"Oi! My jokes aren't always bad."

"Please don't," Tweek mumbled as he shook his head.

Kyle patted his boyfriend's (Or friend's. Whatever you want them be because I ship them together) head. "Aww Tweeky don't be like that. I'll get good at it eventually."

"Oh yeah my joke," Kenny remembered. "You asshole's let me tell it already before I forget it." Everyone groaned except Clyde who said "Finally," and Kyle. "Ahem. Alright, knock knock."

"Really? A knock knock joke?" Craig deadpanned.

"Yes a knock knock joke, now knock knock bitch."

"Why the hell are you telling it to me?"

"Someone say who's there already, God."

"Who's there?" Stan and Clyde asked in unison, though their tones differed from the other. One was dull while the other was intrigued. Kyle laughed at Kenny's irritation, Tweek just sat there drinking his coffee calmly.

"Thank you," Kenny huffed. "Beets."

Stan rolled his eyes, already knowing this joke as well. Clyde beamed. "Beets who?"

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