There was one knew apart myself and James. "It's because, yesterday I was taken by a man who was going to adopt me.."

"Take it easy, Daisy." James rubbed my arm. I nodded and smiled. "He did something bad." Everyone gasped. "But It doesn't matter. I didn't want him to adopt me. I cried. I refused to leave. Anyway, this morning I was taken back. He took a test and..." I laughed before shouting what happened. "AND FAILED! THAT MEANS WE CAN PARTY! I AIN'T GETTING ADOPTED BY HIM!" Everyone started cheering.

James blasted the music again and picked me up. I started laughing and we all danced again. I was about to shove chocolate cake in my mouth before the horrible social worker asked me to go to her office.


James' POV

I watched as Daisy was taken away. I was worried. What was going to happen? I cheered myself up and picked the little girl up, dancing with her. The music got louder and the walls were practically vibrating. Everyone was singing. This was the best day ever. I hoped it would be the best night too. I ate a ham sandwich and wanted to cause mayhem. I smirked, picking up a bowl of crisps. I threw it at my old mate. We were like best friends before I got adopted. He gave me a smirk before throwing a chicken sandwich at me.

"FOOD FIGHT!" I yelled, picking up food, throwing it at everyone.

It worked! We had a massive food fight. Everyone was covered in food. Even myself. An care worker came in..

"What is all this mayhem!" She yelled, stressfully.

I smirked as she turned to me.

"You're cleaning this all up. The rest of you, get to your room."

I sighed. I didn't know where to start tidying up!


Daisy's POV

"What do you mean, he did something bad?" She kept asking.

I kept sighing and refusing to talk. I wasn't going to speak about it. Certainly the kissing bit. I was embarrassed enough.

"Delilah." Woah, no one ever called me Delilah unless it was serious or I was getting introduced to a total bitch like Joseph.

"Tell me now!" She yelled. I kept refusing and she gave up eventually. I knew she was going to find out, but I was going to keep it quiet for now.

I walked out the room towards the party room. I was devastated. It wasn't a party anymore. I saw James clearing up. I helped him, picking up a bin bag and placing food and rubbish into it.

"What happened?" I smirked.

He grinned. "There was a food fight." My face turned into a frown. "And I wasn't invited?" I pulled a little frown before laughing. We laughed and finished off our little food fight. We stopped and cleaned up even more.

After an hour, the kitchen was immaculate. Shiny dishes, floors and tables. I was pleased of our work before I shot towards the stairs.

"I'm getting in the shower first." I smirked as I ran. James was up for the challenge and chased after me. He was a lot faster than me and wrapped his arms around my waist, swooping me off the stairs. I gasped. He evilly laughed before placing me behind him and running up the stairs into the bathroom.

"No! I failed!" I mumbled. I sat on the step, in boredom. I had to have that shower!


Joseph's POV

As soon as I got home, I got my laptop and checked the school on google. It came up with information such as, the events, lessons, pupils. I clicked the pupil section. I felt like a pervet. A picture came up of Daisy. She was well adorable. She looked so damn cute in the picture. Her profile was the same as the orphanage's information. Then my eyes met a box.

'Apply to be a teacher.'

I smiled, as I checked my cupboard for a suit. There was a smart one in there and it was going to be handy.

I went back to the laptop and clicked on it. It gave me tons of information.


Daisy's POV

After waiting a long time, he finally came out! He looked well sexy. He wasn't in a shirt but I didn't care. His hair was gorgeous and his eyes. They gleamed. I shook myself out of my drooling session and walked into the room, locking the door. The water was hot. I'm glad he left it like that. I stepped in after getting undressed. The shower fell onto my bruised body. It stung but it had to be washed.

I got out and saw everyone going to bed. I was confused. What was the time?

Out of nowhere, James came from my room. "It's 9:00pm." Did he read my mind!? "You need to sleep. It's School tomorrow." It all shot in my mind. School. Ugh, I walked in my room with James and collapsed on my bed, staring at the sealing.

"Goodnight." James said, lying in a sleeping bag on the floor. I felt guilty. He was the guest. He should be laying on my bed, whilst I was on the floor. I shrugged. "Goodnight." I smiled, turning the lamp off and closing my eyes..



Ok. Joseph failed miserably, but what's his plan?

Before I started my very first chapter, I was already planning this thing, that you will soon find out in the next chapter, if you haven't seen the clue in this chapter. It's just so fun to think that the next chapter, my plan will be taking place!! I have been waiting forever!!




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