Chapter 1

19 1 3

Thursday, April 7 - School Lunch Time

Penelope: You know you aren't getting any younger. You just turned 18 and you haven't even gone out on a damn date, Belle. This is starting to get ridiculous.

Cherry: Just because she doesn't date every living thing that moves doesn't mean that she's not has problems.

Penelope: And not everyone's perfectly righteous, like your flawless pastor's daughter ass.

Cherry: Just because I've only ever dated one guy and am still with him doesn't mean that I'm perfect or more righteous than anyone. I've never once said that or even implied it!

Penelope: Whatever, Cherry. You're always flaunting the fact that you're still with James and shit like that. We all know you're overly prideful about it.

Cherry: Just because I'm happy and maybe a little bit proud that I've only ever been with James does not mean that I'm prideful or flaunting it.

Tabitha: Will you two cut it out for once. I'm so tired of your shit. We get it. You each think that the other thinks they're better than you. Yet neither of you truly think that. Get over yourselves for goodness sakes.

Penelope: I was just defending myself to Cherry.

Tabitha: Cut the shit Penelope. You take any opportunity that presents itself to make it into a fight. Especially with Cherry. We all know that you're jealous that she has a family that's put together. *putting her hand up to cut off Penelope trying to defend herself* Of course we know you don't want to be a pastor's daughter, as you'd never survive a single day in a church, but you hate having divorced parents, so you're jealous of her.

Cherry: Is that really why you make all of those comments?

Penelope: Come one, you should know Tabitha's full of shit.

Cherry: No, it would make sense. You're always so overdramatic and like to cause drama for your won pleasure.

Tabitha: Don't get too carried away, Cherry. We all know that you're jealous of Penelope's freedom, even if you'd never really be able to bring yourself to actual rebel against your parents or sin against God, you still wish you had the opportunity.

Cherry: *staring at Tabitha, stunned by how well she'd just been described*

Penelope: Dayum. She just told you, bitch.

Tabitha: You two are so hopeless. You can't even see your own flaws. Just always quick to point out the ones of the others. That's what makes Belle such a good friend, even if she is a little behind in the dating game. *Gently nudging Belle on the arm, trying to get a rise out of her*

Me: Okay, fine. I surrender. But seriously, what guy would be interested in me, and are there even any guys at this school worth dating?

Penelope: Well, there are plenty worth dating.

Cherry: Yeah, if you want to bag every boy at the school.

Penelope: *glaring at Cherry*

Tabitha: For the last time, just stop it you two! And there are some decent enough guys around. Plus, there are a few from the church who I'm sure would love to date such a dedicated Christian like you.

Cherry: And if you're a hopeless romantic, or want to fall into the cliche of the good girl being with the bad boy, you can always day dream about Rascal.

Me: Rascal? Who's that? And who would name their son that?

Tabitha, Cherry, & Penelope: What?

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