Chapter Seven: Turf War

Start from the beginning

I lowered my book a bit so that I could peek over the top of it at her. She was standing in the center of my room, nibbling on her bottom lip like she did when she had something on her mind that was really getting to her. I narrowed my eyes in suspicion, "Out with it, Quin..."

"I really want to go to the barbeque! I even asked Carolyn if she would cover one of my regs just so I could have the day with you." She blurted out with a sharp whine that grated on my ears. The beast in me growled at the sound not appreciating the pitch of her voice.

"Quinta." I groaned her name as I shifted on my mattress, kicking my legs in a slight tantrum that she had done all of that without talking to me first. She came over closer to my bed with a serious pout on her lips, puppy eyes focused on me, "Please, Sutton?" She pressed.

The urge to chuck my lumpy pillow at her perfect face flashed through my mind, "No, I don't want to." I snapped quickly, wanting to drop the topic. Her face and shoulders dropped in overplayed defeat. I watched as she slowly slunk back to the door like a kicked puppy, it was pitiful and only mildly amusing.

When she reached the door she turned back around to pout at me some more, proving that she wasn't completely ready to give up on hope that she could get me to change my mind if she tried hard enough, "Please, Sutton...for me? Your very best friend."

I popped my sucker off the roof of my mouth, "I don't want to go out. This is my day off and I want to spend it in peace and silence." I lifted my book to block her from my view, hopefully she would get the hint and go quietly without any more whining. Of course, I couldn't be so lucky.

She moved back into my room with small forced whimpers that grated on my ears, "I never get to go out. Mama won't let any of the girls leave the territory you know that but I know if you're the one taking me she'll be more willing to let me go out. She trusts you, Sutton. Please...please! I won't ask you for anything else for at least a month."

She stood over me with her hands folded together like she was hanging on a prayer. I shifted the sucker around in my mouth, knowing that she was not going to give up on this like I wanted, "If I do this and there's no guarantee that Madame is going to agree." Quinta was already smiling big, body shifting around with her barely contained excitement, "But if I do this you have to promise you won't barge into my room without knocking anymore. That's counts for the other girls too. I know they listen to you." I held her gaze, if I was going to subject myself to social interactions I was going to make it worth my while. That was one thing I had learned on the downworld--always make every encounter worth something.

"Deal!" She jumped at me, practically laying her body on top of mine while she squealed with excitement, "Thank you! Thank you!" She squeezed me in an uncomfortable and awkward hug.

"Okay, okay. I get it you're happy. Now, get off me." I grumbled as I pushed her off.

She was wearing a smile from ear to ear, "I'm going to go tell Carolyn!" She raced off out of my room with another squeal of excitement.

I rolled my eyes as I tossed my book onto the side table, pulling myself off my bed. My body ached from all the movements Benjin had me doing and I was disappointed that I was sacrificing some personal time but Quinta had been so excited I felt bad saying no. I swirled my tongue around my sucker, frowning to myself as the thought of the lecture that I knew was coming my way, "Guess that means I'll talk to Madame..." She had left me with the hardest part--Typical.

It wasn't that talking to Madame Lao was bad. It was that asking her if I could take one of her girls out of her territory without an armed escort guarding them, was a terrible idea. She was a mama bear with her cubs at times. To be fair that was only really a bad issue after I moved in and the few times I ended up seriously hurt. It showed her just how bad the territories could be.

The Wild Hunt (Downworlder Series, #1)Where stories live. Discover now