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[Chapter 2]

Picture of what Lily looks like ^^^

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Picture of what Lily looks like ^^^

After Lily had been sorted into Gryffindor, she sat down next to her brother, James. James congratulated her on getting into Gryffindor. "Good thing I won't be alone anymore," he joked. Even though Albus was in Slytherin, everyone had accepted it and moved one. That doesn't mean. However, that didn't mean that they weren't going to joke about it. God forbid that you tell James to stop, he would rather die than pass the opportunity to crack one of his infamous jokes. He was the Potter version of the Weasley twins.

As Lily began eating her first meal at Hogwarts, she couldn't help but feel like someone was staring at her. She shook her head and continued eating. Why would anyone be staring at me? It's my first day here and the only people who know me are the Weasleys, James, and Albus. Still, the feeling wouldn't leave her. Halfway through the meal, she put down her spoon and sighed.

"What's wrong?" James asked her with a mouth full of potato.

"I... It's nothing," Lily felt ridiculous. She was just being paranoid.

"It didn't sound like nothing. What's up?"

"I just feel like someone is staring at me, James. I don't know who and I don't know why, but this feeling... It just won't go away." As soon as Lily said that, he feeling went away and Lily frowned. Did the person hear her and look away? Was it not even a person who was staring at her? Growing up hearing the stories of her father's adventures in Hogwarts, she knew she would be paranoid, but she couldn't help it.

Lily looked around the Great Hall. She thought that she would know who or what was staring at her when she saw them. A few seats down, she saw a boy with white blonde hair looking down at his plate with a light brush dusted across his cheeks. Her breath caught in her throat.

This is the same boy from the train station from the past three years. The one with the nice eyes. Every year since Albus's first year, she had seen the boy and every year she had managed to find her staring. At first, she thought that he was staring at her father who was well known and a legend. However, after their eyes had locked last year, she knew that he was staring at her.

Could he have been the one who was staring at her?  Lily knew it was far fetched. She wasn't even sure that he stared at her. He probably stared at her cousin, Rosie, who was far prettier and smarter than she was or ever would be. Oh well, she thought. She continued eating and ignored the feeling that returned.

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