_chapter one_

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"Zoey! Give me my drumsticks back!"

"Daniel! Shut the fuck up! Zoe, give him the goddamn drumsticks back we need to see what band we're going to tour with for a year and a half!"

I shouted to my best friends or band mates who are older than me but, fuck it, guess me and Phil are the responsible ones of this band.

"Ok then let's get on YouTube." Phil shouted he was always the happy go lucky guy of the band. Barely anything could make him sad. He plays bass, and is almost as good as Calum, but to me Cal will always be the best footballer and bassist.

"So what are we gonna do this time, just draw a random name from Lily's hat?" Dan asked. He was the socially awkward one of the group yet the most sarcastic and grouchy, some times. Like me but worse. He is the drummer and I couldn't imagine him on anything else. And just like I said about Calum, I feel about Ashton and Dan, just take out Fifa. Yeah I don't think I've met anyone else who hates FIFA as much as Dan and Ash like holy hell its sorta scary.

God damn. Okay that was random, let me explain. I've been thinking about the boys more and more every day and it's making me home sick. I hate it, I just can't think about them without wanting to cry, even though I can't even remember what they look like. I'm such a fucking pice of shit friend, why did they talk to me again?

"Nope we search YouTube. So let's do this!" And lastly, Zoe, we're the only girls in the band so almost automatically we were best friends, but just like me she plays guitar and sings, we all do actually. Singing, not guitar, Dan nearly broke the strings when I tried to teach him.

"Ok losers lets do this!" I shouted. They all yelled happily in response.

~~magical time skip brought to you by Percy, Anabeth,Thalia, and Grover.~~

After an four or five hours we FINALLY found a band. They're called 5 seconds of summer or 5SOS as there fan base calls them. They are all really cool, and have a similar sound to us.

"Ok well I'm tweeting there teenage dirtbag cover out, they are really good." I said, and it's true, they are really good, one of them just needs to stop singing to a damn Christmas tree! But besides that they're really good.

@link_heartly_NON: hey guys, as you know we've been looking for bands to tour with and we just found these guys on YouTube. If you like us you'll love them! Here's the link to there 'Teenage Dirtbag' cover. And boys if you see this we hope to see you on our 'Make Pop Punk Again' tour. Bye guys!

"Well in celebration, let's go record for the new album!" Dan shouted.

"YEAH LETS DO IT!" We all yelled in his ear. Well now we have the band let's just hope they say yes.

~~~~~~Hey guys! So I know so far nobody reads this but fuck it I'm going to keep writing, I need something to do during summer so I'm not bored, I have no friends, I r lonely. Ok well the girl at the top is Zöe. Ok well bye all you beautiful amazing and good hearted people!~~~~~~

~Author-chan out :-3

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