Cory VS Lucas

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Cory p.o.v.

So it is 3:59 and I am waiting with my boys at the park to fight Lucas. Yeah imma jump him. 

Ron: why we jumping him again

Ky: ...Cory don't like this nigga

I turned around to them

Me: look this lil nigga made me and my so called friend fight plus he made an expose page

I am such a great liar because these niggas believe me

Ron: the minute I see him-

Ky: imma just run up and beat that lil nigga ass

Me: nah bruh!! nah bruh!! as soon as I see him its over!!

They stopped talking. Aw shit! Lucas is behind me. I turn around to see him, Javon and Dashawn. Half of the school was there.

Me: (smirking) sup 

Lucas: what was all that shit you was saying? I'm here so hit me

Javon and Dashawn started fighting Ron and Ky. Damn! Lucas hands was behind his back.

Me: ( punches him dead in his face) bitch

He didn't fall back at all. My boys was getting beat up. Lucas started punching me and I started punching back.

Lucas: you weak as fuck ( punching the back of my head)

Me: ( kicking him in the face)

I couldn't get no hits in. Yes me, Ron, and Ky was getting our ass beat. Lucas and his boys got up.

Random person: oh my god!! 

Me: what?!

I touched my head and one of my dreads was missing

Ron: you on your own bro

Ky and Ron went into the crowd. I ran  up to lucas and punched that nigga dead in his neck. He fell and I start swinging on him. Javon was trying to grab me while Dashawn was hitting me

Me: stupid ass bitch

Lucas started fighting back and yes I lost that fight too. But I did give him a black eye though. 

End p.o.v.

Lucas p.o.v.

At home now I got an ice pack on my eye. Cory got his ass beat three times! like boy if you don't-. Anyway I am on face time.

Me: I thought you got your phone-

Benji: yeah this is Camilla's phone

Me: anyway I beat that nigga ass

Benji: I know I saw the video

Me: he was talking all this shit about the expose page to his friends

Benji: that's all he talks about bro

Me: I swear he made that page

Benji: if it comes out he did..he gonna get hurt

Me: (laughing) right

I heard Camilla say something

Benji: shut up Camilla

Me: well I-

Before I could say anything he hung up. then I heard a knock. I opened the door to see Camilla.

Me: hey milla

 Camilla: can you take me to movies tomorrow

Me: sure I was already going

Camilla: so did Cory get any hits in

I showed her my black eye

Camilla: damn

Me: but he kept bringing up that damn page

Camilla: I got his phone

Me: how

So Camilla said during the fights Cory phone fell out of his pocket. She grabbed it and put it in her pocket and walked off.

Me: you one smart girl

Camilla: and get this..he wasn't even looking for it.

End p.o.v.

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