1 - I'm not a princess

Start from the beginning

Who the hell did this guy think he was? I asked myself, boiling with rage. He was totally wrong about me but I wasn't going to give him the time of day if all he was going to do was insult me!

"Go fuck yourself" I yelled as I walked away, giving him the middle finger salute for good measure.


I walked home because a) I missed the bus, b) I was still angry about what that guy had said at the park and c) I didn't want to have to call my dad to come pick me up because he was so busy at work. I didn't live that far away anyway, so it wasn't that much of a trek.

It took me about half an hour to walk home and when I reached my driveway I let out a sigh. Our house was no white-picket fence and pristine garden show home, but it was nice and it was a place I loved. Just being here made the worries disappear.

I walked up the stone steps and using my key, let myself into the house. Dad still wasn't home and I saw why when I read the note on the kitchen counter, written in his messy scrawl. 

Work's hectic, won't be leaving the office until really late. I think there's some of those frozen dinners still left in the freezer so nuke it in the microwave and enjoy. Sorry, you know how work is - Dad

P.S Give your mother a call, you haven't talked to her in days

Of course he was going to be late, ugh, I tried to be understanding but I hardly ever saw them anymore! I went up stairs to have a shower and clear my head. 

When I hopped out I quickly dried myself off and then wrapped myself in one of the big fluffy towels we kept in the linen cupboard. Quite frankly, I couldn't be bothered getting dressed. I towelled off my hair and then pulled it into a high pony tail. Even with the height my inky black hair still hung half way down my back.

I went downstairs, dinner for one again tonight. My mom was away on business for 2 weeks so she didn't come back until next Wednesday. I grabbed a container of lasagne from the freezer and put it in the microwave for a few minutes. While I was waiting for it to cook, I grabbed the phone off the counter and rang my mum.

We talked for a few minutes, she asked how I was, I asked how she was.

"-I'm sorry I can't come home sooner, but you know how work is honey-" 

It was almost exactly what my dad had said in his note, I let her ramble on for a bit before I cut her off "Okay cool mum, well it's all very nice to hear, but my dinner's ready" I snapped.

'"Oh, okay honey, well, tell your father I love him and look after yourself" She sounded hurt.

"Yup, bye." And with that, I hung up.

Today was not my day, and I really couldn't be bothered listening to her talk my ear off. I grabbed my piping-hot lasagne from the kitchen and then went upstairs to my bedroom.

"Hello music, good bye world" I said to myself as I put my headphones in and turned my music up much louder than I should of. It was Friday night, hence why I wasn't staying at school. I'm what they call a Weekling, I only stay at Cross during the week.

My Friday nights usually started off like this: Get home, shower, dinner, go to my room and then listen to music or read for the rest of the night. I didn't have much variation in my life, and I guess I'm what some would call a loner, or maybe just quiet. Is there really a difference?

I mean, I have friends at the Academy, but I don't know, I don't really fancy seeing them on the weekends, they're not really the type of people who'd be up for just sitting around the house and chilling. They were the type of people who Rude-Boy had described with the BMWs and ponies or whatever.

Damn.Why did he keep coming back into my mind?

I finished the lasagne and after I walked down stairs to put the container in the trash (I hadn't bothered to tip the lasagne in a plate) I walked back upstairs to my room.

Enough of over-thinking everything, I was tired and I was going to sleep, even if it was only - I glanced at the clock on my dresser - 8:53pm, wow time had flown fast. I stripped off the towel and  got into my pyjamas.

Let's hope that tonight would be a good night's sleep


A/N Okay, so this is my first story so I hope you guys like it! I'm working on the second part already as it's school holidays so I'll update in the next couple of days :)

Also, A picture of Ebony is in the side bar :)

~ C 

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