Start from the beginning

            Gloria nodded her head continuously with happiness written all over her face.

            “Gloria, remember. . . this is our little secret. Don’t you ever dare tell our parents that I gave you a plane ticket to Japan and a concert ticket too. You know they are also against your obsession with that boy band of yours. But since it is your birthday . . . and they’re off on a vacation, I decided to give you the one thing that you have been dreaming of for so long,” Michelle said seriously.

            “Don’t worry. I won’t say a single word. And I promise I will take good care of myself,” Gloria said with a big smile on her face.

            “Good . . . I already included your pocket money in the envelope. Have some fun while you’re in Japan. Go out and do some shopping. Just remember to call me everyday while you’re there okay?” Michelle said with concern in her eyes. Somehow she was afraid that she was making a big mistake in letting her sister go to Japan alone.

            “Thank you Michelle. I love you,” Gloria said happily.

            “I love you too sis,” Michelle uttered as she continued to stare at the overflowing joy on her sister’s face. She then lightly pinched her sister’s cheek. “I already included the details of your hotel reservation in the envelope and I already paid it too. So you don’t have anything to be worried once you get to Japan. Remember . . . Mother and Father will be back by Sunday. So make sure that you follow the schedule on that envelope. You must return before our parents find out that they are not the only ones on a vacation . . . okay? You must return by Saturday morning.”

            Gloria nodded her head again. “Saturday it is then . . . At least, I will have 3 days to enjoy my visit to Japan,” she said with a big grin on her face.

            Michelle couldn’t stop herself from laughing. “Yes, you have 3 days to enjoy. Just make sure that after you see that Xiah Junsu . . . can you please leave all your day dreams with him? I don’t want to see you day dreaming about him anymore. And I certainly don’t want to see you writing fan letters to him in the middle of the night just like what you do almost every night,” she said as she slowly shook his head in disapproval.

            Gloria was too happy to say anything. She certainly didn’t want her sister to get angry. She didn’t want her to change her mind on letting her go to Japan.

            “Do you understand what I am saying young lady?” Michelle asked with a high tone.

            Gloria smiled and just nodded her head. Somehow she still couldn’t believe that she was finally going to Japan to watch the DBSK boys in their upcoming concert. She was finally going to see Xiah Junsu. She was finally going to fulfill her long time dream.

            -------- Right at the same time in Japan . . . .

            “Hyung, what are you doing?” Max asked Xiah curiously.

            “I am just looking,” Xiah answered as he tried to sort through hundreds of letters that had come from different fan clubs.

He was looking for a particular letter. It wasn’t a single letter. Sometimes he would get several letters from different clubs, but the sender was the same person. He was searching for that particular person’s letters. He easily recognized it because the sender used a special envelope. It was very unique. The envelope was hand made and hand painted as well. Somehow it was the main reason why he suddenly took notice it the first time he saw it . . . that was three years ago.

MY DREAM WITH YOU (ONE SHOT) (XIAH FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now