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            “What are you doing? You’re writing letters again?” Michelle shrieked after seeing what her sister was doing.

            Gloria quickly gathered all the letters that were scattered all over her study table. Then she tried to act innocent in front of her sister. “I wasn’t writing any letters. I . . . I was just reading some letters of my friends.”

            Michelle glared at her sister. “Don’t you dare lie to me. I know you were writing letters again. My god Gloria! Have a life! I mean a real life.”

            Gloria lowered her head. She knew her sister was right. But what could she do. She had only one dream. And she was willing to do anything just to have that dream.

            Michelle saw the sadness that quickly covered her sister’s face. She slowly went to her side and lovingly embraced her.

            “Hey, don’t be sad. I am sorry, if I was too harsh. But I really think that you’re just wasting your time and all your energy on writing letters . . . just to get a chance to be noticed by someone that will never even know your name. I really pity you. Sometimes when I see you staying up all night just to write those silly letters . . . it really breaks my heart. I know all your hard work just ends up being trashed in someone’s trash can,” Michelle tried to make her sister understand why she was being that way.

            “You know that I’ve never wanted anything in my life . . . except . . .” Gloria tried to say.

            “Except meet Xiah Junsu . . . Gloria, that is a dream that will never happen. He’s a well known star. . . And you . . . you’re just an ordinary girl. And you’re thousands of miles apart. How could you ever dream of meeting him in person?,” Michelle said with a low voice. She didn’t want to hurt her sister’s feelings. But she knew she needed to be frank with her just to wake her up from her day-dreaming.

            “But Michelle . . .” Gloria wanted to argue with her sister but she knew it was just going to lead them into another argument. So she just decided to keep quiet.

            Three days later . . .

            “Happy Birthday!” Michelle happily greeted her sister with a warm hug and a big smile on her face.

            “Thank you,” Gloria replied. She then noticed the small envelope that her sister had placed beside the gift she gave her. “What’s this?” she asked curiously.

            “Look and see,” Michelle said with a grin on her face.

            Gloria excitedly opened the small envelope. She was already expecting it was a card with a cheque which her sister often gives her as a gift. But her heart immediately stopped after seeing what was inside the envelope.

            “Michelle? How? Why?” Gloria somehow couldn’t start to say the things that were running through her mind.

            Michelle lightly laughed. “I know how much you want to see him. And I also know that you can’t possibly afford to go there on your own. Think of this as an advance birthday present for the following years to come. I already spent my entire savings just to buy those tickets.”

            Gloria quickly embraced her sister tightly. “Thank you. . . Thank you. . . Thank you. I will never forget this. I promise I will treasure this gift of yours as long as I live.”

            Michelle laughed again. “Just make sure you come back in one piece okay? Or else Mother and Father will surely hang me if they ever find out that I allowed you to go to Japan alone,” she said as she cupped her sister’s face with her two hands. “Take care of yourself okay?”

MY DREAM WITH YOU (ONE SHOT) (XIAH FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now