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"And why exactly should I want to go?" Jaspidot raised an eyebrow at the smaller gem.

"To bond! I've told you a million times!" Peridot griped and continued trying to pull Jasper out the door.

"If it'll get you to stop complaining, I'll go." Jasper complied. Peri smiled and kept a tight hold on Jasper's wrist as they headed towards Beach City Funland.

The two headed towards what Peri believed Steven had called a "roller coaster". The line was long, but Peri assured Jasper that if so many humans were here then it must be worth the wait. When they got there, the man stopped them.

"Excuse me ma'am," he started and pointed at a cartoon cut-out of a dog holding its paw out, "you must be this tall to ride."

"Psh, I'm that tall!" Peri swaggered over, her hair about an inch from touching the paw.

"Apparently not. Next." He then pointed to the exit.

Jasper looked at Peri and frowned, then walked over and pushed the dog until the paw touched her hair.

"She's tall enough." Jasper stated.

"But-" the man tried to refute, but was shut up by a glare from Jasper.

Both of them got on and rode, Peridot squeezing Jasper the whole time out of fear while screaming. Meanwhile Jasper sat there with her arms crossed, looking anything but impressed.

"Wow! What a thrill!" Peri exclaimed after the ride was through.

"Sure." Jasper rolled her eyes.

Peri could sense the sarcasm in her tone, "I'm sure there's something here you'll enjoy."

They rode every ride, nothing. Jasper won Peridot every prize from the different games, nothing. They went through a hall of mirrors, nothing. At least from Jasper, Peridot was thoroughly impressed with the mirror that made her look 8 feet tall. Still, it seems Steven was incorrect. She felt her and Jasper hadn't bonded at all and had instead wasted an entire day. When they were heading home, Jasper noticed the diminish in Peridot's mood.

"What's wrong with you?" Jasper asked.

"I tried everything I could to make you have fun but nothing worked! You just hated everything." Peri kicked the dirt.

"Actually, I enjoyed myself a lot." Jasper looked at Peridot.

"You did?" Peri asked.

"Yeah. Sure, not from those stupid rides and games, but watching you have fun."

"R-Really?" Peri's eyes began welling up with tears.

Jasper nodded, "Did you really think I'd win you all this stuff if I didn't wanna see you happy?" She then motioned towards all the prizes that Peri had forced her to carry home.

Peridot grinned and hugged Jasper, "Bonding is easy just like Steven said!"

"Yeah, I guess it is." Jasper agreed and they went home together.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2016 ⏰

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