I'm Sorry

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Important A/N
Hey guys/girls, where I'm from its really late/early. Like, 1:42 a.m. early. I wanted to apologize for not updating. I just found out some news about my mom and step-dad today and its kinda like a slap in the face to me. I mean, I knew all along, but for my mom to actually sit me down and tell me, it hurts. I also found out that she's going to do something that could out my step-dad for what he did and he's not ready for that. Its not like murder or a felony or anything. (Unless you count breaking trust and hearts, that is.) Its not that my mom means to do it, but its the only thing she can do because her job is horrible to her. So, sorry again, but I do hope to update within the next couple days, I hope. I really just don't wanna get in to a weird funk again where I don't do anything. But, yeah. This is why my updates have been slow... Sorry you guys had to hear this, but I wanted you to know...

Until next time...
Deedle out...

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