Chapter 7- Mayday

Start from the beginning

I smile seeing all the comments of people being jealous. I can't help it that i have the best brother in the world taking me out for my birthday to see one of my favorite bands in concert.

After an awesome hour drive of rocking out, getting pumped up for the concert, we make it into the venue. Getting inside took about ten minutes, but after that, we got about twenty feet from stage. Liam is really tall, so people move for him, and that is why i love going to concerts with him because he can get us really close to stage.

After twenty minutes, Of Mice & Men walk onto stage and start playing their first song, O.G. Loko. Someone grabbed my waist, and scared the hell out of me. Turning around about to bitch the person out, but realize it's Liam, and allow him to put me on his shoulders, him taking us both all the way to the front right in front of Austin Carlile. Sweet lord help me.

I reach out and connect hands with him, feeling like the only girl in the world. I scream and look back at Liam to see him screaming the lyrics as I take out my iPhone and record Austin and I's interwined hands and turn the camera around facing Austin, seeing him look at the camera and sing loud. You beautiful creature Austin.

After Memphis May Fire and Black Veil Brides do their set, the concert is over. Honestly, one of the best concerts I have ever been to. Liam and I begin to walk out of the venue, when a hand grabs my shoulder. I was about to turn around and see who it was when I hear, "Hey, I want to ask you something!" That voice sounds awfully familiar.

I turn around slowly to see Austin Carlile standing in front of me near the tour bus entrance. "Uh- yeah?" I say dumbfounded.

"I heard you singing with me, and I was just wondering if I can have your twitter name? I will follow you and maybe we can sing something together sometime." Austin says smiling, me staring at his tattoos completely aware of what just came out of his mouth.

"Um, sure. Do you have a sharpie?" I ask him, smiling for once in this whole conversation.

"Yeah, here you go." He says pulling out a sharpie from his pocket. I would have used the one I brought with but i lost it while moshing. Opps.

'"Thanks." I say while taking his hand and writing 'piercethemaria' on the back of his hand and give the sharpie back to him.

"Maria. Such a lovely name...," Austin mumbles quietly, clearly thinking i can't hear him. He then continues with his sentence saying, "I hope to see you on tour soon!" He says pulling me into a big hug. I start laughing but hug him back. Wow, i never expected to be standing in a venue parking lot hugging the one and only Austin Carlile.

"Austin! Come on, the party's starting without you!" We hear in the distance, making us turn around and see Shayley standing at the gate while waving. I smirk thinking that he looks pretty damn good.

"Bye Maria!" Austin says, obeying Shayley. Such dorks...

"Did that just happen?" I ask Liam who is standing there smiling like an idiot.

"What? That my favorite sister was talking to Austin Carlile? Yeah, that did just happen." Liam says linking arms with me, skipping over to the car.

Once out of the parking lot, we turn onto an almost deserted street except for the cars from the venue, and drive down the street. Noticing that the stoplight is green, we keep driving but as I look over to Liam, about to ask if he can turn up the music, I see big lights heading straight towards our car.

In a quick motion, Liam unbuckles his seat belt and leaps in front of me, until I feel the impact of the car sliding and flipping over. I scream not knowing what to do with Liam's body over mine with the car flipping. I find a window and notice that my seat belt became unbuckled during the accident.

"Liam! Liam wake up please. You can't leave me, not yet. Please don't do this to me Liam, I need you!" I say smacking his face as hot tears stream down my cheeks. Why does this have to happen to me? I call 911, which in return I get an ambulance here, but it was too late.

He was already gone. Why me?

-Flashback Over-

Why did he have to leave me? I start crying remembering all the emotions I had that night. 


A/N: Alright, that was pretty hard to write. I didn't know what to do, so i had to make a flashback for Liam to die.

Was that good? Please let me know!

Song at the top is absolutely beautiful, and I think it fits this chapter. Listen to the song, I am obsessed with it.

Sorry it took so long to update, I have had a shitload of homework.

Vote/Comment/Fan me! Love you all, thank you for the motivation to write this. - Saisha

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