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The team was now in Sokovia.

Pietro zoomed into a police station. "We're under attack! Clear the city! Now!" He zoomed out. The police officers continued on as if nothing had happened. Pietro zoomed back in with an automatic gun, firing it at the ceiling. "Get off your asses."

The officers ran away.

Pietro zoomed out, leaving.


Wanda was in the middle of a street, using her mind to get into the minds of the people around her to get them out of the city.

Bree: (voice over) "All they want is to live their lives in peace. And that's not gonna happen today."


Wanda's mind control reached people inside their houses.

The people stood, walking out, leaving.

Bree: (voice over) "But we can do our best to protect them."    


People were flooding the streets on their way out of the city.

Bree: (voice over) "And we can get the job done."


Thor used his hammer to break into Ultron's lair, walking in.

Steve: (voice over) "We find out what Ultron's been building."

Ana walked in. She was suited up.

Steve: (voice over) "We find Natasha, and we clear the field."

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Clint and Tatiana were overlooking the city, suited up.

Steve: (voice over) "Keep the fight between us."

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WC Avengers: Age Of UltronWhere stories live. Discover now