I did throw up then. I retched inside the sink and a faint, yellow liquid bile splatted out into the basin. It was barely anything but it felt good to gag, to purge away the crap from the inside out...

For fuck sake, Lucy what are you doing!?

I slammed the mirror cabinet shut and stared back at my reflection. My face was already flushed red from the sex and my hair was limp and messy and some stuck to my face from a combination of tears and sweat and now slowly appeared the added blotchiness from my impromptu episode that had just occurred.

I wiped my mouth, turned on the sink and washed away it contents, then splashed my face with the cool water, loving how it felt against my skin. I yanked a hair elastic from off my wrist and savagely tugged my dishevelled, unruly hair into a high top knot bun. I didn't look good, but at least I looked better.

I stormed back into Jason's room and frantically pulled on my jeans and wriggled into my zip up hoodie, shoving my bra and top into my handbag. I didn't have time to dress properly, I had to get out of this house. But not before I did one thing...

I ran back inside the bathroom, grabbed the culprit bottle and launched it hard across the room at Jason's head. Bullseye. A satisfyingly dull THWACK sounded out before it dropped to the floor as Jason shot up in alarm.

"What the fuck was that!?"

"Stay the hell away from me in future, you understand! I don't want to play your dirty, little sex games, so save them for whoever you use THAT with and don't expect me back in this house EVER again!" I yelled at him, pointing right at his face, my finger trembling with rage.

He looked momentarily confused before turning to look at the bottle and his eyes grew wide and frantic. He jumped out of bed exposed, his shrivelled manhood looking limp and pathetic.

"No! It's not what it looks like! I swear!"

"Oh? And what exactly is it then, Jason? Soap?!"

"I... I... No... Lucy.... I..."

"Save it for someone who cares Jason."

And with that I surged out of the house as fast as possible, running out the front door and kept running all the way down the narrow street. Only when his house was completely out of sight did I stop, pausing to catch my breath.

The night air felt nice and refreshing and I allowed its frosty chill to engulf me.

I reached into my bag, pulling out my phone and tried turning it on, promising myself I wasn't checking to see if there were any missed calls from Ben...

Shoot. It was out of battery.

It wasn't far from Jason's house to my own, through the park it was even quicker... But I wasn't going in there at night by myself. If anything, I might see Scott, lay on a park bench, high off his face.

I was so pissed at him right now, add him to the list of men I hated, he could at least call mum and tell her he's safe. Even on a come down he knows how to use the phone!

When I finally arrived at my front door something didn't seem the same but I couldn't work out what was missing. It was dark and our porch light had been turned off to "save electricity", another result of one of my mum's crazy divorce fuelled pastimes which involved her becoming an environmental activist.

That was funny, the door wasn't locked... Mum never forgets to lock the door at night... I turned the handle and crept in. My family were used to me creeping in at ungodly hours but I wasn't a total bitch, I could at least try to be quiet!

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