Chapter 1

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-Year 2006-

An 18 year old Haruna moved to a remote valley along with her two friends Rina and Tomomi  to undergo a period of convalescence after suffering problems with her lungs. They stopped at an old house which they would be living in.

"looks really dirty there" Tomomi spoke while looking outside the window.

"yes but it's still livable though. it's been a long time since anyone lived here, we should tell them to put the furniture inside now." Rina replied after getting out of the car

"well i just hope there won't be any rats or cockroaches running around once we get in" Haruna said.

"ah yeah me too, im really terrified at those things." Tomomi added.

"c'mon guys a few roaches or rats won't kill you! Now get out of the car" Rina said in a rather rough tone

Haruna and Tomomi got out of the car and saw a couple of workers getting out of a moving van and started to move their furniture inside the house. Not long after, the three were greeted by a few village people who seem to be very kind.

"Welcome to the village young ladies." An old woman spoke.

" Ah it seems that you guys are moving furniture! Since we're neighbours we would like to help!" spoke a bearded man.

"ah thank you!! theres so much furniture now! glad you can help!" Rina said while bowing.

Haruna and Tomomi bowed too and then the village people started helping them. Haruna was not alowed to carry things because of her illness, but she wanted to help too so she grabbed a box full of books.

"Haru your not supposed to be working, give me that" Tomomi said.

"its fine, its not even heavy"  Haruna replied.

Haruna went inside the house making Tomomi sigh and shook her head. Rina was helping the villagers to carry a large table, then came a guy who wore fancy clothes and had a toothpick in his mouth.

"hey boy! come help us here its really heavy!" The bearded man spoke.

The guy smirked at them and continued walking towards the house.

"My goodness how rude to let old people carry this" The man's wife spoke.

"uhh just ignore him if you will haha" Rina said.

"pfft old house, how ugly" the guy said.

Some kids were playing football in front of him and he got annoyed so he kicked their ball far away into the woods.

"Get it if you can brats!!!!"  The guy shouted.

Haruna and Tomomi saw him and quickly went inside the house.

"What is that guy doing here!!!" Haruna spoke

"Well he is the one that paid for this house you know" Tomomi said while peeking outside.

Haruna scratched her head in a stressful way and help the workers inside the house. Not long the guy left for some business issues and that made them feel relieved.

-Evening time-

Rina, Haruna and Tomomi invited them to come for dinner and they agreed.

"whoa your cooking is delicious!" the man spoke.

"ah thank you!" Rina said while bowing.

"uhhh mind telling us your names? haha" Tomomi said in a shy tone.

"Oh my name is Nakamoto and my wife is Mekuru an over there is grandma jiu" The man said kindly.

They all bowed at eachother and Rina introduced them to the villagers.

"my name is Rina this girl over here is Tomomi and she is Haruna"  Rina said and they continued eating.

" ahem by the way, whos the snobby boy just now?"  Grandma jiu asked.

"Ah he's uhh his name is Hitori and he was the one that bought us this house.."  Tomomi replied

The villagers stopped eating and had their mouths opened, and the three continued eating.

"W-well he seems to be a nice g-" 

"no need to be nice we don't like him either" Haruna cut the man's words and stood up "I'm finished, i'll go to my room."

Haruna went upstairs to her room leaving the villagers.

"Is there something bothering the young girl?"  Mekuru asked.

"Ah shes always like that, she has a lung problem thats why we brought her here because the doctor said she needed the fresh air." Rina replied to her.

"She became quiet once we got here" Tomomi said.

"Well a young girl like that probably has a boyfriend now right?"  Grandma jiu said.

Rina and Tomomi laughed and so did the villagers but they shook their heads and the villagers understood them. They all finished eating and the villagers left the house, Rina went up to check on Haruna.

"Haru you okay?"  Rina asked.

" I'm fine thanks" Haruna replied.

" Thats good, Have you taken your medicine?"  Rina asked again.

"Yes I did and now im sleepy" Haruna said.

"Well okay, this house is really messy im gonna do some super cleaning tomorrow" Rina said while cleaning Haru's space.

"you should rest too you know" Haruna said again.

"ya maybe i should, I'll go to sleep now" Rina replied

Haruna just nodded her head and Rina left her. That night Haruna woke up from a noise that came from the old barn outside of the house, She stood up and went to inspect it. she wanted to bring Tomomi and Rina but the two were dead sleeping so she decided to check it herself. Haruna went inside the old barn and saw a little Room at the end of the barn, It was blocked by thick metal.

"I's there someone here?!" Haruna shouted.

She tried to Open the the metal Door and then suddenly a black figure came out from the room and ran to the barn entrence. It stopped to look at Haruna and growled, Haruna was frozen. and then she shouted really loud that made Rina and Tomomi wake up and then she fainted the thing ran outside really fast without Rina and Tomomi knowing. They came to Haruna and helped her.

"Haru! are you okay?!!" Rina panicked.

"Lets just get her inside!" Tomomi said.

They picked Haruna up and brought her inside the house and back to her bed,Haruna woke up after that and then Tomomi and Rina stood up.

"Haru your okay!" Tomomi shouted.

"what happened there Haru??" Rina asked.

"I-i don't know.." Haruna replied.

"well whatever it is we need to forget it, now lets go to sleep." Tomomi said.

They agreed and went to sleep.

-To be continued-

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