exam stress •josh

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for miniSDMN

sighing as i sat down at my dining table, the smooth light wood covered in papers and pens. i had to get back to studying since exams were well under way, but it was stressful. stressful to think you understood how titration calculations work, but you actually don't. the stupid little formula always made me confused and want to simply rip the chemistry to shreds.

"sharon, josh is here!" my mum called, assumingly from the hallway.

"i'm in the dining room," i called back, half heartedly as my focus lay on the question in front of me.

"hey, babe." josh closed the door behind him, walking up being me to wrap his arms around my shoulders. "whatca doing?"

"i'm trying to fudging figure out the concentration of this, but it's impossible." i grumbled, trying to put numbers into the calcutor in hopes i'd get the right answer.

"come here," he pulled out the chair next to me, pulling the work slightly closer to him but still so i could see what he was doing. "just put it into a table, and fill out what you know." he looked towards the question and back to his workings, writing down notes. "then, work out the ratio, which is one to two, because there's two sodium hydroxides. so times the moles of sulphuric acid by the two." josh explained the rest of the calculation to me, glancing at me every so often to see if i was following along. "so the concentration of sodium hydroxide is two point six three. you get it now?"

"yes, thanks." i nodded, taking the pen from his hand to scribble down the answer on the calculator.

"don't i get a kiss?" josh nuzzled his head into my neck, looking up at me with a pout.

"if you must," i rolled my eyes and pecking his lips, giggling at his disappointed expression. "i'm learning."

"whatever," he leaned back in the chair as i tried to work out the next question alone.

okay, i hope you liked it, sorry it's short and a little bit crappy. i felt smart writing this because i realised i actually know how to do titration calculations.

dm me some requests!
also, comment some preference ideas on the preference chapter!

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