chapter 1

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"At least take off the hat" Harry mumbled once the sign for North Valley High appeared in front of their eyes. 2 seconds and they would enter the hell hole that they called school.

North Valley High was the typical school that had their own food chains and cliques. You would think the 21st century would change it up a bit but no, the football players and cheerleaders were still on top and yes, the smart kids like Ashton were still below the food chain.

Harry? Well, he was a bit in the middle. Not invisible to certain teachers and yet have some people asking him if he was 'new' every few weeks.

"That's a nice spot!" Ashton pointed towards an empty parking spot next to the school's main entrance and Harry took a right turn to park into it when a cry swerved in front of him and carelessly parked right in his spot.

Harry gripped the steering wheel and glared at the black Range Rover that just took his spot. It was a nice car but the person inside of it must be blind not to see he was already driving towards their area.

The person appeared a few seconds after, coming out of the car with his sunglasses on.

"HEY DOUCHE! THAT WAS OUR SPOT!" Ashton exclaimed, turning down the car window. The person took off his sunglasses and immediately Ashton paled, putting the window back up.

"Holy shit is that..."

Harry snickered, turning around to find another parking spot.

"Yes it was"

"I just shouted at the most popular and hottest boy in school, im as good as DEAD!" Ashton screeched, his face as white as a ghost. Harry laughed at his best friend's face as he looked through the rear view mirror only to find mr parking spot stealer looking at him. His insides froze up. Holy shit, was he really mad at Ashton?

"Now you wanna take the hat off?" Harry smirked, finding a spot next to a garbage can.

Ashton glared at his best friend but took it off eventually and threw it into the back seat. Harry laughed even louder as they got out of the car, not noticing a pair of eyes looking at him from afar.


School was as per usual, the norm. It was boring how unexciting his life was, the only exciting thing about his life right now was-

Harry's phone vibrated in his pocket and he closed his locker to unlock his phone. The phone he got because Louis and Liam had pitched in money to get it for his birthday present . It was brand new and gold and when he held it in his hands, he felt like crying.

Harry has never held such luxury, honestly. He had though, once. When he was small up until 5 years old. He had his own room, all the toys he wanted, everything. Until his dad died. Harry never knew his mom so he lived with his dad and when he got remarried he was excited to get two sisters until they became his worse nightmare.

Des Styles died of cancer at age 36 and Elizabeth had taken over his whole life. Moved him to the attic, made him work on the weekends as he got older - made him work on weekdays. He was a male version of Cinderella and it was the worst thing ever.

But he's got Louis, Liam and Ashton so he remembered to count his blessings every now and then.

Speaking of blessings -

From : Blue

Hello sweetheart, what are you up to?

One of his blessings.

Blue. Harry has never asked him his real name and Blue has never asked for his. They called each other based on their email addresses.

Blue's was :
Harry's was :

Getting to know each other was purely accidental but Harry kept thinking it was fate- of course, he's a hopeless romantic so he thinks everything is fate.

"Oh god, don't even pretend to be texting loser!" Amber and Ashley were in front of him now and he looked up as he pocketed his phone.

"Lovely to see you ladies too" Harry mocked a grin at them.

Amber rolled his eyes. "We just came here to tell you to remember to pick up our dresses, they should be done by today" She said.

"I have work after school remember?" Harry asked, raising his eyebrows.

"There's a thing called multitasking" Ashley sighed, faking a yawn.

"Just do it!" Amber snapped.

Just then, Niall Horan aka Mr Parking Spot stealer passed by making Amber and Ashley stare at his back as he walked with his two best friends - Michael and Calum.

"Have you asked Calum yet?" Ashley asked Amber, nudging her.

"Calum?! Ew, I was aiming for Niall" Amber smirked, flicking her hair.

Harry snickered and the two girls glared at him. Like Niall would pick any of his two step sisters, if he had half a brain he wouldn't.

"What was that for!" Amber screeched.

"Nothing! I got to get to class" Harry waved the stomping skinny barbie dolls behind and took out his phone.

To : Blue

Same old, same old. When are you gonna take me away from here?

The reply came in a second, making Harry's heart jump in his chest.

From : Blue

Soon, love

a/n : okayyyy that was the first chapter ; introducing all of them! Please please please comment and vote and if you wants to refresh my memory of all the events that happens in the movie that would be great!

Also, I might twist the story a little to make it more fun ;)

Thanks for reading! xx

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