Meeting them

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I went from Music room 1 to 2 to 4. Wait where was music room 3? Whatever. Hey it's music room 5. This is where my class is at. After orchestra I head to my last class which is language arts. As I walk down the music hallway I pass music room 3. Huh I never saw that on my way here I'll keep it in mind and go find out what it is when schools out.

I get to language arts just as the bell rings.
"I am your new teacher and you will have to work to know my name" the new teacher called out to the class.
"It says your Miss.Fuller on your teacher ID" I blurted.
"Oh well aren't you just the sneaky little spy,"she replied. "Well today we are going to learn all about each other" announced Miss.Fuller "First on the list ah the sneaky little spy." I walked up to the podium, and climbed the chair. As I rose I saw someone pass the classroom with a stuffed bunny and was about the size of a fifth grader just like me. Maybe thats Honey that everyone's talking about.
"You can speak now child," Miss.Fuller said quite annoyed. So I told her about myself, and then got down from the podium.
"Very good," Miss.Fuller said as she clapped her hands. I sat impatiently as I listened to the other students.

Once class was over I headed to Music room 3 which was very difficult since there was a stampede of students I got lost in.
"Tori," I yelled hoping my cousin could hear me. I heard someone say "Hold on Honey I'm coming." Wait where was Honey I didn't hear any screams of help but mine. I was picked up and ran to Music room 3. Once I was put down I saw that it was the silent person that had shown me to my second hour class drama. "Why did you come running to save me I screamed for my cousin Tori who's last hour is choir." He walked farther into the room, and sat next to that boy I saw in the hallway who was now wearing something around his head which was knotted at the top that kind of looked like bunny ears. I stood there examining the room. "Hi I'm (y/n) and I was just checking out the rest of the school. "I see that your here Kyoya, and so are you um what's your name?" "His name is Mori" said two voices. "He's Hikaru," said one "And he's Kauro," said the other. "They're twins" said a more female sounding character. "s-HE'S Haruhi" said a blonde "That's Tamaki" said the one sitting next to Mori. "Oh and I'm Honey,"-H
He does look a lot like me and must act like me if his cousin came to get him. People told me a lot about Honey so I know Mori is his cousin. I wonder if we're meant to be. Nah he doesn't show any interest so I'll just leave it at that.

                Inside of Honey's mind
Could she be the one that everyone's been talking about? Well if she is she must like sweets and have some sort of stuffed animal to carry around. I could bribe her into giving me a snack because she doesn't know about the ban on sweets.

                   Back in your mind

I wonder if he likes sweets. Maybe cake or ice cream or any kind of sweets. "Honey has a cavity right now so it's best not to give him any sweets," said Haruhi. "Oh," I replied with a twinge of disappointment. He is kind of cute though.

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